(((Cloward, Piven, Alinsky))) and the Deliberate Takedown of America
European Leaders to Fight “Globalist Left” at Make Europe Great Again Conference
Trump Outlaws CBDC – Telling Schwab and the WEF to Stuff it!
The Communist Who Convinced Jimmy Carter to Give Away the Panama Canal
Senate Gets to Work on Panama Canal: ‘We Cannot Turn a Blind Eye’
Where is the Outcry?
California’s Burning, Dems Still Choose Fish Over People
Gaslighting: From Pizzagate to Benghazi
State and Local Law Enforcement Will Be Deputized to Assist Illegal Immigration Crack Down.
Trump Signs Laken Riley Act, Will Send Dangerous Illegal Aliens to Gitmo
Homan: ICE Immigration Raids Are Underway.
China’s Dark Secret: The Ongoing Tragedy of Forced Organ Harvesting
Forced organ harvesting represents not only a violation of human rights but also a direct attack on the ethical principles of medicine. It is imperative that governments and international organizations intensify efforts to investigate and sanction these practices. Ignoring this issue amounts to indirectly validating one of the most atrocious crimes of our era.
Report Reveals How Ruthlessly The Biden Administration Persecuted Christian Education
According to the report, at least 12 Christian colleges or universities were targeted by the Biden administration with “excessive penalties.” In some cases, students at those colleges have even been prohibited from receiving student aid. Not a single Ivy League school received similar treatment, researchers at APP reported.
Unless Something Changes, 4 Years From Now We Will Be 51 Trillion Dollars In Debt
If you were alive 2000 years ago and you started spending one million dollars every single day when Christ was born, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now.
The Disappearance of the Male Role
Feminists were not happy until they destroyed men’s colleges, male leadership in politics, military, and business, men’s clubs and male organizations such as the Boy Scouts which was forced to take in girls. Even the military has been taken from men. How is there a band of brothers when the commander is female?
USAF Documents Expose Purge of ‘Straight White Male Population’ In Officer Ranks
Military leaders have long emphasized the importance of merit in maintaining an effective fighting force, and the Air Force’s emphasis on reducing white male applicants has sparked fears that operational effectiveness is taking a backseat to political correctness.
Queen Elizabeth ‘Believed Every Israeli Was Either a Terrorist or a Son of a Terrorist’
“I know there are so many complex issues, but how can there ever be an end to terrorism unless the causes are eliminated?” the Prince said. “Surely some US president has to have the courage to stand up and take on the Jewish lobby in the US?” he added. “I must be naïve, I suppose!”
Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner: The Psyop that Keeps on Giving
Apparently this is what a “gender dysphoria” looks like. Actually, it’s what any red-blooded man would aspire to. I am a few years younger than Jenner and was an athlete. I remember him well, and with envy. Since he is an icon, one idea behind this sick scam is to rain on the parades of masculine, aspiring males who are gullible.
Tucker Carlson Is Back in Russia – Will Interview Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Joe Biden’s Escalating Nuclear War Threats with Russia (VIDEO)
SCOTT RITTER: Congress Must Prevent Nuclear War
IRREFUTABLE DATA POINT: Because of the now proven 2020 election theft which confirms POTUS Imposter Joe Biden was not legally elected…..
Hunter Biden’s Pardon Is All About Protecting Joe Biden, Not His Son
This just escalated World War III: Biden regime gives green light for Ukraine to use U.S. long-range missiles to attack deep inside Russia
Trump May be Oreshniked on Ukraine Even Before He Gets to China
A Week from Hell
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Biden’s ‘Samson Option’
The Thing You Run Into When Your Beliefs Are False
Ellen DeGeneres Named as ‘Diddy Accomplice’ in Hollywood Pedophile Investigation
The Thing You Run Into When Your Beliefs Are False
Woke for Dummies
Scientists Confirm Michelle Obama Is a Biological Male – Media Blackout
Voting Experts Expose Fraud Before Nov. 5: Proof & Solutions
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Defends Trump Against “Fascist” Label
In The Name of Common Sense, Who Would Vote for Kamala?
Since Biden & Harris Took Office, 34.3 Tons of Fentanyl Seized at Southern Border — Enough to Kill Entire Global Population
Democrat Billionaire Ackman Says Democrat Party Policies Will Destroy the Nation
Why Would You Legalize 30 Million Illegal Aliens?
Judiciary Panel Report: Biden, Harris Created “Quiet Amnesty” to Keep Illegals in Country “Indefinitely”
Biden Authorizes UN To Use Lethal Force Against US ‘Election Deniers’ on American Soil
Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”
New Ad Shows How Minnesota Allows Infanticide, Lets Babies Die Who Survive Abortions
Joe Biden Warned About World War III. Now The Biden Admin Is Pursuing World War 3.
Chinese-Linked EV Company Executives Donated to Biden-Harris Campaign Following Federal Subsidy
Kamala’s DoJ Sues Virginia For Removing Illegals From Voter Rolls
New Ad Criticizes Kamala and Democrats for Pushing Abortions Up to Birth
Yes, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Support Abortions Up to Birth
Pro-Life Advocate Suffers Horrible Mistreatment After Biden/Harris Put Her in Prison for Protesting Abortion
Trump Campaign Warns of Potential Disenfranchisement for Over 530,000 Voters in Flood-Ravaged North Carolina
Inquiry Reveals Just How Vast International Communist Conspiracy May Be
Trump: STUPID People Are Biggest Threat To Freedom
You Can’t Fix Fake, Which Is A Massive Problem For Kamala Harris And Her Linguistic Pandering Proves She Knows She Is Weak, Ill prepared, And Unlikable
Mark Cuban Inspires Thousands By Proving Even The Very Retarded Can Become Wealthy
Russian Television Broadcasts Simulated NUCLEAR STRIKE on London
Former Israeli PM Threatens U.S. Will Get ‘A Re-Run Of 9-11’ If It Doesn’t Fight Israel’s Wars
So damaging Israel can’t even talk about it
Kamala Harris Just Made A Colossal Mistake – Here Are 7 Things You Should Know About Tim Walz
Kamala Harris’ Pizzagate Crimes Exposed As Her Dad Reveals Shameful History
Israel’s Barbarism Is Grossly Under Reported
Trump Announces Death of Political Commentator Lou Dobbs: ‘Truly Incredible Journalist’
Chairman Green Subpoenas DHS Secretary Mayorkas for Documents Regarding Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump
Rabbi Shmuley Accuses God of Antisemitism
Biden Humiliation Ritual Coming to an End
Former White House Physician Ronny Jackson Urges Drug Test for Biden Before Presidential Debate
The Great Lockdown Swindle
Huge: Supreme Court overturns J6 prosecutions…
Bannon Bulldozes Corporate Media on Jan 6, Election Integrity.
Democrat Government Officials Allegedly Funded by Sex Trafficking Drug Ring
Rules & Laws To Serve Themselves: A Christmas Carol
Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within
US strike on Russian targets would be ‘start of world war’ – Medvedev
Who Are The Quacks?
Turning Point USA Holds Successful Kyle Rittenhouse Event at Kent State Despite Leftist Campus Rage
‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence: US Scientists Came Up with ‘Blueprint’ for Manmade Covid Virus
From 9/11 to COVID-19: The Psyops Continue
‘Crime of the Century’: New Research Paper Raises Horrifying Possibility Covid Patients Were ‘Euthanized’
Trump Able to Pay $400 Million Bond in Order to Appeal “No Victims” Fraud Ruling
How the CIA Destabilizes the World
Disney: A billion-dollar casualty of woke
‘Don’t touch the kids,’ Putin tells gays
War? 25 Red States Rally ‘Round Texas As Battle Brews With Biden Over Border
Watch: Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Vladimir Putin
Nikki Haley: ‘Only Bill Gates Can Save Humanity’
Increasing Psychopathic Behavior Is A Sign That Society Is On The Verge Of Breaking Down
Criminality in the White House: The Rise of the Political Psychopath
Unsealed Files Confirm Trump Never Visited Epstein Homes Or Pedo Island
Jewish Kleptocrats Looted Ukraine’s Biggest Bank. Was Ukrainian, Syrian, Iraqi and Libyan Gold Stolen, Too?
Israel Continues it’s Unabated Genocide
The U.S. Military Is Really Going To The Dogs…
Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?
Democrats Have Become the Party of War — War Against Russia, China, and Their Fellow Citizens
Pacifist Japan unveils biggest military build-up since World War Two
At This Point They Aren’t Even Trying To Hide Who They Really Serve
Top 7 ways the USA is already under TYRANNICAL RULE like Communist China
RACISM BY THE BAY: California Democrats Are Handing Out Cash to Everyone—EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE.
Local Chicago Media Says Lori Lightfoot Is Engaging In ‘Censorship In Its Purest Form’
Brazilian Election Protestors Call on the Military to Restore Progress and Order
Democrats’ Criminal Ballot Activity Includes More than Their “Ballot Harvesting”
America’s Silence in the Face of Tyranny
Why Right-Wing Zionists are No Friend of American Conservatives
American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion
COVID Lockdown Protests Erupt In Beijing, Xinjiang After Deadly Fire
Videos: Tanks Deployed On Streets In China Amid Massive Protests
As Deadly Hospital COVID Protocols Continue, So Does the Censorship
With money flowing in from the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security), it is a logical assumption that financial incentives from the government are a driving factor behind the deadly hospital protocols, especially when the protocols involve lethal drugs like Remdesivir
This unconventional war with the communist chinese is causing mass murder all across the world, and here in America the woke traitors operating in critical parts of the United States including the White House are really working with the Communist Chinese to overthrow the American Government.
School Masks: What’s Behind Gov. Pritzker’s Blind Obstinance?
Wen’s new view is particularly notable since she and CNN have long been among the strongest supporters of government mandates favored by the Biden and Pritzker administrations, including masking. Last fall she said America was “nowhere near” ready to start lifting mask regulations in schools until all children were vaccinated and said life should be “hard” for Americans who were not vaccinated.
Illinois Governor Pritzker ties to Communist China
Illinois Governor Pritzker already has Hotel businesses in Communist China which explains his Anti-American policies that releases violent criminals back on the streets with no bail to commit more crimes. Exactly what one would expect a member of the CCP to do.
Pritzker prize’s other winner in China: Hyatt
Hyatt has 19 hotels in China — including the Beijing Park Hyatt at the top of the 62-story Yintai Center, one of the capital’s tallest towers — and 30 more under development. It says China is “central to Hyatt’s global growth strategy.”
Horrific Child Abuse: Mastectomies Among ‘Transgender’ Minors Have ‘Exploded’
How many children will be sacrificed on the altar of the LGBTQ religion before parents wake up and stand against the madness that’s preached fervently in so many schools around our nation and through the media?
GOP Lawmakers Demand Answers From Biden Officials Over NYC CCP Police Station
Basically, this Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police station has been illegally set up to spy on the country’s nationals in Lower Manhattan, and is being allowed by the Biden administration.
Sigmund Fraud: The Father of Modern Psychoanalysis and Neurotic Charlatan
The Israeli philosophy professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz went even further and held that Freud psychoanalysis was “primarily a Jewish money-making scheme” and that’s a “bad sign for (us) Jews.” He went on to say that psychoanalysis was “entirely in the hands of the Jews” and has “brought unspeakable suffering to millions of people.”
Demoralize, Destabilize Until a Crisis Finally Arrives (Updated)
Not helping the U.S. deep state is that some of its psychopathic masters are willing to pull the plug for personal gain, as I have discussed in my various “reveal” posts. These psychopaths have no national loyalty. It is just business for them.
And, Just Like That… American Taxpayer Dollars Are Now Funding Terrorists Who Blow Up Bridges and Target Russian Infrastructure
The details of the bomb blast are not yet known, but it is clear that your tax dollars are now funding bombings of Russian infrastructure.
The STASI Overlords of America’s Medical Industry
The truth will eventually come out; you can’t hide it forever. And everything they have said, everything, from masks from lockdowns, from social distancing from vaccination, from remdesivir, from Paxlovid is a big fat lie. They have a real problem with the truth.
“US President Joe Biden must answer the question of whether the United States carried out its threat on September 25 and 26 when an emergency was reported at three lines of Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, which has been preliminarily recognized as ruptures, whereas he suggested those were blown up,”
COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies
Many have breached that duty and, in doing so, are recklessly causing a risk of death or serious injury, by carrying on regardless of the now-confirmed dangers associated with COVID 19 injections. Some of these risks are blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancer including deaths, etc.
Mike Lindell’s Action-packed “Moment of Truth” Election Summit
Speakers also divulged lessons they’ve learned about how to properly approach state and county election officials to effect change. Many warned about the machinations of CEIR (the Center for Election Innovation and Research) and ERIC (the Electronic Registration Information Center), both founded by leftist David Becker. Presenters said that these organizations are funded by the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros to promote rigged elections.
Paper Ballots: The Key to Secure Elections
But are paper ballots too archaic, insecure, costly, and inefficient? Lt. Col. Kurt Hyde of The John Birch Society says each of these arguments is a fallacious red herring. Hyde is a former computer programmer and systems analyst who started the paper-trail movement in the mid-1980s after conducting detailed investigations into vulnerable computerized voting booths of that time.
Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Regime — You Can Now Participate and Add More Incidents on the Interactive Map
If I had any doubts about this being on purpose, that is completely gone at this point. It’s almost terrifying seeing what is going on and the majority of people have no idea.
Biden signs executive order designed to unleash transhumanist hell on America and the world
If anyone needed proof that the powers pushing the levers behind the mindless moron who sits in the Oval Office are fully on board with the World Economic Forum/United Nations agenda of biomedical tyranny and transhumanism, look no further than the executive order that Joe Biden signed on Monday, September 12.
Biden has declared war on conservative Christians
The Democrats want a fundamental transformation of America – similar to the Bolshevik or French Revolutions – to purge Christians from public life and abolish religious freedom as we know it.
International Medical Crisis Declared Due to Unprecedented Illnesses and Deaths from Covid Vaccines
The large number of sudden deaths in previously healthy young people who were inoculated with these “vaccines”, is particularly worrying, as is the high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths which have not been investigated
INSANITY: Illinois Democrats Eliminate Cash Bail System on Felonies Including Second-Degree Murder, Aggravated Battery, Arson, Kidnapping, Drug-induced Homicide, and Looting — Lets Criminals Walk!
“So how does this affect the war on drugs? Under Pritzker’s SAFE-T Act, it’s possible drug kingpins, smugglers, traffickers or distributors of illegal drugs won’t be detained before trial, no matter the quantity of deadly substances they are accused of possessing. Astonishingly, Pritzker and the Democrats don’t seem to believe there is a connection between drug dealers, street gangs, cartels and the gun violence our state sees daily,” Chicago Tribune reported.
Biden’s gay-‘married’ monkeypox deputy accused of satanism after wearing pentagram gear for magazine cover
“My favorite video to ride to is Nine Inch Nails’ ‘The Perfect Drug,’ because it’s dark and sexy with a driving beat. A Goth workout in a cycle dungeon is total bliss,” the nation’s new monkeypox coordinator told the Post in 2014. “Every day is Halloween.”
Joe Biden Appoints Fully-fledged Homosexual Satanist as The Deputy National Coordinator for The Monkeypox Response
The Biden administration has a history of appointing officials to important positions who make public their sexual desires. Sam Brinton, its deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition, is a drag enthusiast who also has a fetish that involves pretending to be a dog or handling someone pretending to be a dog. He was also in a blasphemous drag group called “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.”
Worldwide Wickedness Against Children — A Prophetic Signal With Historic Precedent Of Impending Judgment
As history will attest, most every civilization that has been on earth has perpetrated the worse kind of perverseness and wickedness against children in its final throes of its existence.
More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart
There is a way out. It’s called “non-interventionism.” The war in Ukraine was caused by the US regime change in 2014 and the neocon insistence that Ukraine join NATO. The State Department and CIA thought it was a great victory to overthrow the elected government, but meanwhile the rest of us get the bill.
Biden Lied, Americans Died
With no plan, deprived of proper military support, isolated in a small strip of land, surrounded by armed enemies and dangerous mobs, Biden led American military personnel into a trap.
Parents Catch Fbi In Plot To Force Mentally Ill Son To Be A Right Wing Terrorist
The FBI came and picked him up from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen none of which he had access to on his own.
Covid-19 Vaccination is Depopulating the Planet according to Official Data & the Pfizer Documents
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.
The Visible Hand Of Government Is Sowing The Seeds Of Economic Ruin As The Most Extreme Government Intervention In History Is Setting Americans Up For The Slaughter
When the visible hand of central planners is forced upon an economy through edicts and diktats, money is no longer directed to where it is most appreciated. Rather, it is squandered on things that have little economic merit. And abundance is subtracted from the economy.
The Illegal Search of Mar-a-Lago
The full extent to which the Attorney General has allowed bias to affect his exercise of discretion ought to be the subject of congressional investigation and, upon proof of inaction in the face of criminality, and selective prosecution in furtherance of political bias, ought to be the basis for articles of impeachment.
EXCLUSIVE: National Archives and Media Caught in Another Lie – Evidence Shows Obama Did Have Classified Docs in the 33 Million Pages He Took with Him When He Left Office
We know Obama kept classified documents when he left the White House because the NSC wouldn’t fulfill a request to turn over Susan Rice’s unmasking documents that were moved to Obama’s library.
US: The New Real Hoaxes?
Once again, the leadership at the FBI, the media, social media, and former government officials had developed a hoax to damage their political opposition and the people who supported it.
Merrick Garland: Petty, Vindictive Little Man
Merrick Garland should have recused himself from anything pertaining to former President Donald Trump. Period, full stop.
FBI officially permits its informants to commit 5000+ crimes a year.
Ted Cruz — Abolish the IRS…
Democrats want to make the IRS larger than the Pentagon, the State Department, the FBI, and the Border Patrol combined.
How Obama Started Ukraine’s War
Obviously, the operation that Obama started almost immediately after Yanukovych became democratically elected in 2010 to be Ukraine’s President, has since then morphed into a civil war there, and finally produced a definitive response by Russia to remove the threat to its own national security, that the U.S. regime, with the help of its vassal-nations in Europe, have installed in Ukraine. Obama started the war in Ukraine. It began behind the scenes, almost as soon as Yanukovych was elected there. It has been a successful operation from the standpoint of the U.S. regime, but Russia is now trying to reverse it.
“These are animals, not people”: Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military
Ruslan Onishenko, commander of the now-disbanded Tornado Battalion, was freed as part of President Zelensky’s scheme to release prisoners with combat experience. Along with an unwavering commitment to fascism, Onishenko is known as a psychopathic sadist who was involved in sexually assaulting children, brutally torturing prisoners, and murder.
China Fires Missiles Around Taiwan After Pelosi ‘Pours Oil On The Flames’ of Regional Tensions
“Are you here to support Taiwan or to provoke a war?” Wen-chieh ranted. “What the hell are you doing here, Pelosi? The relationship between the mainland and Taiwan is already very tense! Supporting Taiwan? We don’t need your support! You’re literally pouring oil on the flames! You’ll only make things worse!”
The WHO Review: WHO’s Covid and Monkeypox Policies Fail Every One Of The 10 Public Health Principles
It shows the failures of WHO and all their failed recommendations in Covid. It is a must-read by anyone interested in public health, the global Covid-19 WHO policies – that almost all nations followed, and the full extent of the corruption by WHO/global leaders and governments.
Not only is the American empire burning in an abstract sense, but once the ANTIFA, BLM and pro-abortion terrorist groups (all funded by Soros and Gates) hit the streets, the country is literally burning.
NewsGuard’s Partners Are Some Of The Same Groups Deagel Uses As Sources For Their Forecast Of Massive US Depopulation! Orwellian Censorship Being Used To Cover Up Genocide
Yet we can never forget the globalists ‘big picture’, their ‘end game’ that the global eugenicists would never admit to, nothing less than outright ‘genocide.’ And we all know they will never admit to carrying out such an agenda, nothing less than mass murder, as they continue to push their deadly ‘clot shots’ upon us.
Need More Money To Plan For The Second Pandemic. There’s Going To Be Another Pandemic.”
A lot of people don’t take what Joe Biden has to say very seriously, because it is obvious that he is in an advanced state of mental decline. But it is that lack of mental sharpness that causes him to slip up and reveal things that those around Biden do not want him to reveal.
Graphene Oxide – What Is The Story?
There are nano-particulates of magnetite in the graphene which has been added to flu vax & chemtrails for some time. An Italian team discovered nano-particulates of many heavy metals in ALL vaccines & were arrested for their trouble.
Covid Experimental Vaccine Inventor Issued Warnings: Communists Censor
Critical voices from doctors, scientists, nurses, and others who have observed or researched what is really going on are all being censored.
The Suicide of Europe: Europe’s Collective Deathwish
A global calamity of food scarcity, due to Covid measures and ‘sanctions’, which will cause record numbers of mainly African migrants to enter Europe seeking food.
Why Are Diseases Coming Back AFTER The COVID Vaccines Were Rolled Out?
If the COVID-19 vaccines really helped to keep people from getting sick, then why, in the age of the vaccine, are diseases coming back, and several outbreaks circulating the globe right now? It could be an easier question to answer than you would think.
Birth Rates Declining in Countries Worldwide Following Mass COVID-19 Vaccination in 2021
Why are birth rates plummeting in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Taiwan — nine months after mass covid vaccinations?
Greene Speaks Out Against $40B Ukraine Bill: “Stop Funding Regime Change And Money Laundering Scams!”
Georgia Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) on Tuesday went off on the uniparty for risking nuclear war with Russia by advancing a bill to provide Ukraine with an astonishing $40 billion in military and economic aid.
The Art of Disinformation–Western Lies About the War in Ukraine
I want to show you a false battle map that is representative of the disinformation being fed to a gullible audience in America and Europe. This map was published by a goofy chick, Ashley Cornell, who betrays her ignorance of the military situation and failed to fact check the wild claims from “war expert” Justin Bronk:
NewsReal: Buffalo Shooter a Nazi, like Azov Battalion in Ukraine
This weekend, a teenaged lone gunman went on a shooting rampage in Buffalo, upstate New York, killing 10 Black people, ostensibly ‘to save the White race’. Stamped all over his social media selfies are the same Nazi symbols stamped on the uniforms of Ukrainian Nazis currently enjoined in ‘heroic’ battle against Russian forces.
DIRE WARNING TO AMERICANS: China Waging 21st Century Unrestricted Warfare Via Opuim War By Utilizing Fentanyl and Biden’s open Borders; Communist China Working With Biden Family And Cartels.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is deploying weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) fentanyl and carfentanil to fight China’s 21st century Opium War against the United States!
Here’s proof that Biden’s new ‘disinformation’ czar is just another left-wing tool of the regime whose mission is to persecute political opponents
She is a true left-wing activist, without question, and the proof is in how she has already defined “disinformation” in previous settings; that is, ‘disinfo’ to her is simply information and data that run afoul of the Democrat left’s narratives on everything, from politics to culture, to entertainment, to society, to education.
Biden Set to Remove 5 Groups from Foreign Terrorism Blacklist
The United States is poised to remove five extremist groups, all believed to be defunct, from its list of foreign terrorist organizations, including several that once posed significant threats, killing hundreds if not thousands of people across Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
Read more: US Set to Remove 5 Groups from Foreign Terrorism Blacklist | Newsmax.com
Shanghai Tightens COVID Lockdown Despite Decline In Cases
President Xi’s promise last week that the CCP would double down on its stringent lockdown policies, while also pledging to stamp out any dissent by locals who have grown frustrated with the government’s insistence on enforcing its lockdown policies no matter how many people die of non-COVID illnesses, or how many suffer from shortages of food, medicine and other necessities in an economy where even disposable diapers are considered a frivolous luxury.
MIND GAMES: War in Ukraine designed to distract people away from COVID plandemic and vaccine deaths
Now that most people in the West are “fully vaccinated” with Fauci Flu shots, and now that the health damage is really starting to manifest, in comes Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, prompting a global outrage campaign that is shifting all eyes away from Big Pharma.
Of course Biden backs Ukraine: it’s ground zero for his family’s dirty business, including the biolabs
The U.S. government of course denies all of this, alleging that Russia is just spreading “propaganda.” Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter agree, which is why they have been censoring the Biden crime family’s treason since Hunter’s laptop was first discovered.
China Lurks Behind Most Crises Facing America
What about the deadly and economically devastating global pandemic? China’s role in the origin of COVID-19 continues to be an unanswered question deserving of serious inquiry.
Democrats Were SLAUGHTERED in Local Elections Last Night, and Other Election-Related News
Because of the great awakening kicked off by President Trump, the American people know that Democrats are pro-crime, pro-war, anti-science authoritarian communists who protect pedophiles and openly support the grooming of children.
It’s All Falling Apart for The Biden Family as Hunter Biden Is Linked to Funding of Ukraine Biolabs
The emails on Hunter’s laptop proved that Joe Biden, his brother James, and son Hunter were all deeply entangled in dubious overseas business ventures, including in Qatar, Ukraine, Russia, and China.
Biden’s Folly In Ukraine
Thanks to the Western media’s non-stop dissemination of unfavorable images of Russia’s leaders and its military, it would appear that President Biden is able to espouse any narrative that suits his purpose. Obscuring the true origins of this tragic conflict, however—NATO’s eastward expansion to include Ukraine—cannot alter strategic reality. Moscow can no more lose the war with Ukraine than Washington could lose a war with Mexico.
Congress Negotiating Fake “Anti-China” Legislation that Advances Leftist Agenda
While the Deep State is distracting Americans with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it is pushing a major so-called “anti-China” bill in Congress that, if enacted, would actually benefit Communist China while advancing the Left’s Marxist agenda.
Ex-“transgender” Man: Biden Is “Promoting Institutionalized Child Abuse”
“This is institutionalized child abuse; they’re working on destroying an entire generation of children,” Heyer told host Laura Ingraham, addressing the Biden administration’s MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) agenda machinations.
65,615 Deaths Now Reported in Europe and the USA Following COVID-19 Vaccines – Corporate Media Refuses to Publish this Data
These are “passive” reporting systems, so the true lives lost is much higher. One study estimates that the unreported factor for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths is 41X, which would put these totals at closer to 2.8 MILLION deaths, and that is just in the U.S. and certain countries in Europe.
COVID Propaganda Roundup: The Biomedical State’s Crimes Against Humanity Cannot Go Unpunished
Taking advantage of the fact that humans are forward-looking, resilient organisms, the social engineers count on us getting up, licking our wounds, limping along, and letting the guilty escape justice.
Fauci, Walensky and Collins all conspired to commit mass murder with the plandemic: Dr. Naomi Wolf
“The fact that people like Rochelle Walensky, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins – all the ‘influencers’ who were paid, as we now know, said ‘safe and effective,’ this needs criminal charges. This could be conspiracy to murder. And members of the media could also be accessories to murder.”
Mainstream Media working overtime to blame anything but the Covid-19 Vaccines on increase in Heart Attacks & Strokes
“Evidence from multiple safety monitoring systems in multiple countries supports the finding of an increased risk of myocarditis and myopericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination,”
How the US instigated the Ukraine crisis
The Russians have complained bitterly about the US-promoted 2014 coup in Ukraine, the eastward expansion of NATO, the installation of missiles in Romania and Poland, the pretense that the missiles were for defense against Iran, the 2019 US withdrawal from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces agreement, the aggression against Russian speaking Ukrainians in the east.
The West’s Hands in Ukraine as Bloody as Putin’s
Any reluctance to submit is considered certain proof that the person is a Putin apologist or a Kremlin bot, and that their views on everything under the sun – especially their criticisms of equivalent Western war crimes – can be safely ignored.
US Group Claiming to be ‘Military Lifestyle Brand’ Allegedly Training Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Mercenaries
The Azov Battalion has a long history of associating with neo-nazi organizations, something which American and NATO allies have been accused of ignoring, as international groups continue to aid in their training/funding of the group.
Ukraine President Seen Dancing in Homosexual Video Online — Zelensky ‘Western Values’ on Full Display
Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, was recently uncovered to have been featured in a homosexual dance routine posted online. In the video, the president can be seen dancing in high-heels, leather skin-tight pants, and what appears to be some sort of bra.
8,817 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to CDC Among Kids 5 to 11, as Study Shows Pfizer Vaccine Only 12% Effective in That Age Group
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 774,373 adverse events, including 11,312 deaths and 74,257 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 25, 2022.
Don’t believe the media’s fake post-mortem, the “pandemic” was NOT a mistake
Every life lost, every business destroyed, every penny wasted, every child traumatised. Every moment of anxiety and fear – every single one – entirely intentional.
Ukraine, It Was All Written in the Rand Corp Plan
the Rand Corporation’s 2019 plan predicted – “providing lethal aid to Ukraine would exploit Russia’s greatest point of external vulnerability, but any increase in U.S.-provided weapons and military advice to Ukraine would have to be carefully calibrated to increase costs to Russia without provoking a much larger conflict in which Russia, because of proximity, would have significant advantages.”
The Ukraine War Can’t Save Joe Biden
The manufactured Russia-Ukraine crisis now becomes the cover story for why the U.S. economy is collapsing. The pain being felt by middle class, blue-collar workers is now shifted to be an outcome of geopolitical events that are Vladimir Putin’s fault. It’s always someone else’s fault.
BREAKING: February Inflation Rate Soars to 7.9% — 40 Year High — Was at 1.4% When Biden Came into Office (VIDEO)
The February inflation rate soared to 7.9% in February.The biggest factors included gas, food and shelter — basic life essentials.
‘Hypocrites on Parade’: John Pilger Calls Out World Leaders for Ignoring Donbass Shelling For Years
The republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donbass region (LPR and DPR) declared independence after the 2014 US-backed coup in Kiev that saw democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych overthrown.
The coup government subsequently passed anti-Russian language laws, affecting the largely Russian-speaking population of the two Donbass republics.
BREAKING: Russia Reportedly Offers Ukraine Terms of Surrender
It is clear that Putin doesn’t want NATO and its missiles in Ukraine. Newsmax is now reporting that Russia is ready to negotiate with Ukraine terms of surrender. According to Newsmax:
https://tapnewswire.com/2022/02/hypocrites-on-parade-john-pilger-calls-out-world-leaders-for-ignoring-donbass-shelling-for-years/‘Hypocrites on Parade’: John Pilger Calls Out World Leaders for Ignoring Donbass Shelling For Years
The republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donbass region (LPR and DPR) declared independence after the 2014 US-backed coup in Kiev that saw democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych overthrown.
The coup government subsequently passed anti-Russian language laws, affecting the largely Russian-speaking population of the two Donbass republics.
With Corrupt Politicians and a Corrupt Media How Do We Know What Is Best for the US Concerning Ukraine?
What are the odds that the Bidens, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, the Clintons, Speaker Pelosi and George Soros would all have connections to Ukraine?
Ukrainian Security Forces Seen Scrambling to Burn Documents in Kyiv as Russian Invasion Intensifies (VIDEO)
Several videos emerged online on Thursday of uniformed military personnel quickly heaving stacks and bags of documents into makeshift bonfires outside of a Ukrainian intelligence facility in Kyiv.
Resistance Not Futile: History Lesson On How To End Vaccine Mandates
“This corruption of the vital statistics creates many challenges in assessing the efficacy of immunization, and is also why many authors have noted no metric can be used to assess COVID-19 immunizations except total number of deaths (independent of cause) as this cannot be fudged.
Americans urged to boycott Beijing Winter Olympics: ‘Turn off the Genocide Games!’
China 2022: A century of carnage brought about by Communism and corruption
From forced abortions to surveillance state: Communist China’s plan for global tyranny revealed
Tin-Pot Trudeau Flees to ‘Undisclosed Location’ Rather Than Engage With Massive Trucker Protest
GoFundMe Shuts Down $9M Canadian Trucker Fundraiser After Speaking With ‘City Officials’
Quebec scraps planned tax on the unvaccinated
Are the Barbaric Lockdowns in Australia Connected to Chinese Expansion in South East Asia?
Migrations to Libya: An Enslavement Operation From Start to Finish
The Lemming State And COVID Tyranny
Hiding The Bodies
Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s?
Massive inflated number of vaccinated Americans
To give you an idea of the scale of the CDC’s overreporting, in just one state, Pennsylvania, the CDC overreported the number of first doses for the elderly “by about 850,000” when compared to the state’s own revised estimates.
Out of The Swamp Ray Epps: Fed Protected Provocateur Czar Led January 6, 2021 Attack Upon U.S. Capitol
The story of the mystery man, Ray Epps, featured in Rep. Massie’s video above is in fact far more shocking than even the good Congressman implies in the hearing. It’s a story so strange, and so scandalous at every turn, that it threatens to shatter the entire official narrative of the “Capitol Breach” and expose yet another dimension of proactive federal involvement in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6th.
The Fall Of The Mainstream Media And The Biggest Lies They Told In 2021
If the past year has confirmed anything it is that the mainstream media is thoroughly dishonest. Yes, most people already suspected this, but the last 12 months have provided more confirmation than the past several years combined. 2021 has made is clear that the mainstream media is a propaganda arm of political and corporate elitists, from big government to big pharma.
Pfizer Vaccine EXPOSED! Less than 1% effective, Did More Harm Than Good, They Knew It and Tricked You
Pfizer used a math trick to make people believe their vaccine was 95% effective, but the truth is it was 0.8% effective.
Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs
The evidence of the “immunological self-attack is without precedent,” wrote the doctors, continuing, “Because vaccination was the single common denominator between all cases, there can be no doubt that it was the trigger of self-destruction in these deceased individuals.”
More hospital nurses blow whistle on “overwhelming” number of heart attacks, blood clots occurring in the fully vaccinated
In Ventura County, located to the north of Los Angeles, cases of “unexplained” heart problems, strokes and blood clotting are skyrocketing at area hospitals. And many local doctors are refusing to link these events to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections.
Mass Death Ahead
Though a vaccine is supposed to immunize you against a specific disease, the Covid ones destroy your natural immunity, to make you more susceptible to Covid! Isn’t that a sick joke, at your expense.
The main power and overwhelming influence of this subtle psychological weapon — SOCIETAL SAFETY — is that it preys on every individual’s sentiment never to hurt another person. Who but a real sociopath ever wants to hurt anyone, either intentionally or accidentally?!
Critical Race Theory and the Jewish Project
Tony Martin’s spectacular The Jewish Onslaught , a reportage of an orchestrated and abusive Jewish institutional campaign against a Black scholar who didn’t follow the script and tried to examine what was the role of some Jews in the African Slave Trade.
COVID testing is a weapon being used to harass those who refuse to bow to their vaccine overlords
The only reasons to continue widespread testing for the Wuhan Virus are to punish the unvaccinated and to perpetuate the false notion that COVID-19 is still a serious threat to America.
White Genocide in Berlin – North African Gangs Terrorize Remaining Germans with Rape, Drugs, Murder, Robberies
jews used their “allies” to destroy Germany in WWII and have been using invaders to destroy the Germans who survived ever since.
A Letter from the DC Gulag
The conditions here for Jan 6ers have been inhumane. In fact, some inmates are even begging to be transferred to GUANTANAMO BAY, where even THEY have more acceptable standards.
How jews Pioneered the LGBTQ+ Movement
jews have been subverting our societies with sexual degeneracy of all sorts from the very beginning. Now they’re poisoning the minds of children and mutilating their genitals.
BOOM! Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Union (SMART) with 203,000 Members Announces Stand Against Forced Vaccines
What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?
Freedom from Fear: Stop Playing the Government’s Mind Games
We’re being fed a constant diet of fear: fear of a virus, fear of the unmasked, fear of terrorists, fear of illegal immigrants, fear of people who are too religious, fear of people who are not religious enough, fear of extremists, fear of the government, fear of those who fear the government. The list goes on and on.
On the Extreme Harm & Death to Many Athletes After Injection of Covid Vaccines
Let’s see, precisely, how the sport and the vaccine interact. José Luis, do you recall that yesterday we read a scientific article that described how the cardiac cells could be modulated or stimulated remotely and wirelessly through photons and electromagnetic fields so that the pulse could be increased or decreased by three and so on by using the fashionable material called Graphene? Graphene oxide.
Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead
The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected.
Biden orders most US workers get vaxxed — but not illegal border crossers
WASHINGTON — White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Friday confirmed that the government isn’t requiring COVID-19 vaccines for people who illegally cross the US-Mexico border — despite President Biden’s new vaccine mandates for about two-thirds of US workers.
COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths COVER-UP! Nurse Whistleblowers Reveal How They are Pressured to NOT Report Deaths and Injuries to VAERS
Not only is this information from the government’s own database NOT being reported in the pharma-funded corporate media, but nurses and other frontline workers are now coming forward to report that very few deaths and injuries from the COVID-19 shots are actually being reported to VAERS due to tremendous pressure by the pro-vaccine crowd to NOT report them.
Counting Covid
As hindsight comes into clearer focus, we’re learning a lot about mistaken advice and policies amid the Covid-19 pandemic. One still murky and disputed area involves the death toll, now upwards of 640,000 in the U.S., according to CDC. Some insist the true count is much higher; others claim it’s lower. Today, we begin with the startling results of our investigation that found in some documented cases, news that Covid was the cause of death was greatly exaggerated.
BREAKING: Lt. Col. Allen West EXPOSES ‘Progressive Socialist Left,’ ‘Delusional Republicans’ For ‘Bowing Down And Worshipping’ Moloch
“Think about it: the Taliban is back in power in Afghanistan and China is a growing hegemony that has infected the world with a deadly virus. The second largest facility for murdering unborn children in the world is located in Houston, Texas . . . the first is in China,” said West. “The disciples of Moloch continue to want to murder unborn babies in the womb, as well as force gender modification procedures upon our children in Texas. There are consequences to these decisions against our children.” MORE…
Why The Rothschilds Are Implicated In The COVID Pandemic
Fascism, Communism, Marxism, socialism, revolution, and pitting people against each other were all Rothschild tactics pursued to divide the enemy (humanity) while they (the Rothschild bloodlines and agents) remains unified in purpose. MORE…
“The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Dr. Fauci and his band of pharma and Silicon Valley profiteers — working with corrupted politicians, captured federal agencies and the bought and brain-dead mainstream media — have used the COVID pandemic to mint billions from vaccines and other profitable medicines. MORE…
Rudy Giuliani: Biden Should Be Impeached for Arming the Enemy with Billions in US Weapons (VIDEO)
Joe Biden famously left the Taliban up to $85 billion in US military equipment, planes, guns, uniforms, and even sports drinks. At the same time Joe Biden destroyed the nation’s credibility in the global community. And, now there are hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan who were not able to get out before Biden turned the country over to the Taliban. MORE…
September 11, 2001: The War Crimes Committed “In the Name of 9/11”
The 9/11 event in itself– which becomes symbolic– is used to justify the onslaught of the post 9/11 US-NATO military agenda, under the banner of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), not to mention the ushering in of the Homeland police state and the repeal of civil liberties. MORE…
“Left-wing politicians and pundits who condemned the Capitol riots have completely refused to criticize the violent Black Lives Matter (and Antifa protests of the previous summer.”
WATCH: Senator Malcolm Roberts delivers powerful speech on freedom
The side that is locking people up for the crime of being healthy, arresting protesters, pepper spraying kids, beating up grannies, banning books and electronic messages, censoring social media, sending threatening letters, forcing small businesses to close, urging people to dob in dissenters and banning safe drugs that have worked for 60 years are all on the wrong side of history. MORE…
The War on Free Speech Continues
As part of the new war, ideas or even demonstrable facts that are considered to be undesirable are being targeted by the government working together with internet resources, most particularly the social media, to attack critics. MORE…
Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine?
The results of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy are far-reaching. Graphene oxide is a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation. It also has an impact on the immune system. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts. MORE…
Alert: “Delta” virus FEAR FACTOR rising thanks to full media propaganda campaign based on zero science
Without any scientific proof whatsoever, all the “virus experts” are spreading misinformation like a pandemic, and the propaganda is enough to cause side effects all by itself, including headaches (from hearing the same lies over and over), vomiting (from too much fake news), and lethargy (getting worn out by the media hype). They can’t even explain how they’re “testing” for the Delta variant. PCR tests? Retracted. MORE…
We will not comply: A campaign against medical tyranny
I believe we are living here now at this crossroads for a reason. I believe we are meant to be here; that we are being given a chance to be the right people in the right place at the right time. I believe that we can end this evil, but only if we dare to try. It begins with one simple step: Telling the world “We Will Not Comply!” And then, we must follow through on our promise. MORE…
Formation of a COVID19 Red Team – Updated
When “a military gives excessive focus on dealing with a certain specified type of enemy,” this can possibly result in their being attacked and defeated by another enemy outside of their field of vision. Steven Maizi and MORE…
The democrats worked with Communist China to eliminate our rights under the law. Never once questioning the communist credibility and worked with everything the communist were doing to ruin American freedom.
Ashli Babbitt’s mom: Nancy Pelosi orchestrated the killing of my daughter
After nearly eight months of questions and controversy surrounding the events of Jan. 6, the most prominent question remains unanswered: Who killed Ashli Babbitt?
Sen. Rand Paul Sends Official Criminal Referral on Dr. Fauci to Justice Department
“I write to urge the United States Department of Justice to open an investigation into testimony made to the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, on May 11, 2021,” Paul wrote in the letter.
President Trump on Election Fraud: “When They Steal it From You and Rig It, We Have to Fight – We Have No Choice” (VIDEO)
President Donald Trump: It was the most corrupt, dishonest, election in US history… The crime of the century is being fully exposed.
PA Lawmakers Get Firsthand Look at Arizona Audit, Immediately Call for One in Their Own State
“I’ve heard a lot of rumblings,” she said. “We’ve heard from many of the senators that they are getting accolades from around the country and many other states are reaching out to them congratulating them on the work that they’re doing and thanking them for continuing the fight and staying in the fight.
Covid Is A Political Power Grab On A Global Scale That Was Unveiled To Restructure The World For A Handful Of Super-Wealthy Psychopaths
A real pandemic does not need Big Media/Big Tech censorship to deprive people of vital information and alternative views by distinguished, prize-winning doctors and medical researchers who are smeared as “conspiracy theorists”.
Rebranded Flu is Fear Mongering
“Instead of explaining that covid is renamed seasonal flu and that differences among variants are too minor to matter, the public throughout the West is carpet-bombed with fear-mongering fake news that’s all about pushing people to be jabbed with toxic drugs designed to destroy health and kill.”
Those dying post-vaccine: Where are the autopsies?
I find it shocking that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Joint Commission that accredits hospitals are not demanding autopsies or testing of vaccine samples. It is not possible to declare a product safe and effective without obtaining direct evidence from potential victims.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said he was informed by some members of the U.S. military that they would quit if the armed forces mandated a COVID-19 vaccine, coming after a report claimed that Army headquarters told commanders to prepare for mandatory vaccinations in September.
So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up
The only attempt at crowd control was the police indiscriminately using flashbangs and tear gas against peaceful protestors and not arresting the obviously unruly ones. These same few police soon stepped aside and opened the doors which had been unlocked from the inside, effectively inviting the protestors into the Capitol.
The Biden Regime Has Made Us All Enemies of the State
While the CDC and the White House use the pretext of the China Virus pandemic to arbitrarily close businesses, churches, and civic events of every kind (except those perpetrated by regime-enforcing Antifa and BLM Marxists, of course), other federal agencies have taken advantage of the nation’s unenforced borders to send unvaccinated illegal aliens into unsuspecting communities.
Thousands of Cubans in at least 16 cities took the streets peacefully on Sunday to demand an end to the 62-year-old communist regime, chanting “freedom,” wearing American flags, and in many cases facing extreme police repression.
Government Now “Greatest Threat” to U.S., Warns Pastor MacArthur
Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church, who influences millions of Christians around the world, argued that “the government” itself is actually now the greatest threat to the nation. MORE…
The Hammer
We provided information to the FBI and DOD on Colonial’s Pipeline network vulnerabilities 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. We provided proof to the FBI, DOD, and Homeland Security in documents and demonstrations in Washington DC how easy it would to hack Colonial Pipeline and hold them, hostage. Exactly what happened recently! MORE…
The Prescience of George Orwell — ‘1984’ is Here
Is perhaps most applicable for its exploration of the relationship between nuanced language and thought, and the way dishonest, inaccurate language leads to a breakdown of identity and capacity for independent reasoning. Curiously, Orwell was originally planning on titling the book “The Last Man in Europe.” MORE…
Flu Magically Disappeared as Covid Cases Skyrocketed
People did not even have to have a positive PCR test (which means essentially nothing anyway) in order to be one of the Covid deaths, but only to have displayed some of the symptoms prior to dying. This is how they cooked the books and created a pandemic out of nothing. MORE…
PRESIDENT TRUMP’S TREMENDOUS RETURN: “As we gather tonight, our country is being destroyed before our very own eyes”
Former President Donald Trump delivered a blistering attack Saturday night on Joe Biden’s record and cancel culture, vowing to fight aggressively in 2022 and beyond against the “disgrace” of left-wing radicalism gripping the country. “Our border is wide open, illegal immigration is skyrocketing at a level we’ve never seen before,” Trump said in a rousing speech before the North Carolina Republican Party convention. MORE…
DeSantis Signs Bills Fighting Chinese Communist Party’s Influence in US
The governor added that “I really hope that we’re going to have accountability for the origins of the COVID pandemic, because this just did not need to happen. The Chinese Communist Party is primarily to blame, but there’s also American money that very well may have flown to Wuhan,” the Daily Caller reported MORE…
Jan Markell: I Never Thought I Would See the Day
I never thought I would see the day when: Amidst the Coronavirus crisis, many would rush to the defense of Communist China who caused it all to happen! MORE…

Fauci just admitted:
** The virus may not have originated naturally — something he refuted earlier until now
** The US DID FUND Chinese research at the Wuhan Labs
** The US funded this research through NIH grants under his leadership MORE…
A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer

Those who – gradually and gleefully – sacrifice their freedoms, their autonomy, their individuality, their livelihoods, and their relationships on the altar of the “common good” have forgotten this is the pattern followed by every totalitarian regime in history. MORE…
CORONAVIRUSReport: Government Scientific Advisors Admit They Used ‘Totalitarian’ Fear Tactics To Control People During Pandemic

Yet another scientist on the subcommittee stated that they have been “stunned by the weaponisation of behavioural psychology” over the past year, and warned that “psychologists didn’t seem to notice when it stopped being altruistic and became manipulative.” MORE…
Emails between WHO, NIH, and Fauci reveal Chinese influence on COVID response

Emails released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, pertaining to Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. H. Clifford Lane, document a China-centric approach to COVID-19 on the part of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The emails lend further credence to claims that these organizations are subservient to China. MORE…
Powerful Video: Rep. Jordan Exposes Democrats’ Efforts to Stifle COVID Origin Investigation

Jordan notes that it is unfathomable why Democrats are blocking efforts to find answers, unless they are seeking to protect Anthony Fauci from having to answer difficult questions about his involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the Obama/Biden years. MORE…
Second Stage Terror Wars

The invasion of Afghanistan and the Patriot Act were immediately justified by those insider murders, and subsequently the wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. So too the terrorizing of the American people with constant fear-mongering about imminent Islamic terrorist attacks from abroad that never came. MORE…
Despite Massive Attack, ‘Frank Speech’ Already Rivaling Facebook with 2 Billion Requests

“Americans are craving news and information that is not filtered through the radical worldview of today’s liberal media intelligentsia, or deep state actors,” he continued. “Frank, the voice of free speech, will be the platform for Americans who want to defend life, liberty, and all the freedoms that have marked America as the longest-running Constitutional Republic in the history of the world.” MORE…
Inventor of Test Used For COVID – Fauci Is A Liar With An “Agenda”
In an interview that has resurfaced from the 1990s, Mullis railed against Fauci repeatedly, expressing numerous criticisms towards Anthony Fauci and his career. Mullis began by saying “he doesn’t know anything… about anything” and “doesn’t understand medicine [and] should not be in a position like he’s in.” Mullis died in 2019, months before the coronavirus pandemic began. MORE…
Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests
Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’ MORE…
US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’
“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.” MORE…
The vaccine IS the disease
Allopathic medicine is totalitarian medicine. Global society has been destroyed by a lie which aims to turn humanity into the living dead. Already they are teaching Aztec human sacrifice in California schools and the unmistakable aim of the rich psychos in charge is to reduce the population massively. MORE…
This is the ultimate example of appointing the fox to guard the hen house. How could anyone ever trust the CDC to genuinely assess the safety of a vaccine, considering it costs half a billion dollars to develop one, and they clearly have a vested financial interest in getting these shots to market? MORE…
Should the COVID-19 pandemic be officially recognized as the result of a lab accident, the world might be forced to take a cold hard look at gain-of-function research that allows for the creation of these new pathogens. The end result would ideally be the banning of such research worldwide, with significant financial repercussions, the ending of prestigious careers in that realm and potential criminal charges for those involved as well. MORE…
COMMIE PLANTATIONS: China enslaves ethnic minorities in cotton-picking programs, prompting some American companies to stop sourcing cotton from China
The Center for Global Policy released a shocking new report about the slavery of Uighurs and other Turkic minority groups in Xinjiang, China. The report provides evidence that human slavery is being used on a massive scale to advance the Chinese cotton market. More than half a million people, imprisoned in camps, are now being forced to pick cotton as slaves. One fifth of the world’s cotton production comes out of the Xinjiang region of China. MORE…
Nefarious Signs Covid-19 Being Used To Initiate The Overthrow Of Nations With Americans & The World Victims Of The Luciferians Most Sinister ‘Social Engineering’ Experiments
They have everybody repeating the same key slogans, terms and phrases the perpetrators want us to speak and believe. Everyone models the right behaviors to get all on board to go along like compliant sheep led to the slaughter. MORE…
At What Point Do We Realize Bill Gates Is Dangerously Insane?
Bill Gates is crazy. And he’s dangerous, because he’s willing to put untold sums of money toward making the insane things he believes a reality – and all of those insane things hurt people. MORE…
Child Trafficking Increasing Under Biden? Corporations with History in Child Sex Abuse Vying for Government Contracts to Handle Children Coming Across the Border
Critics of harsh immigration policies and the private detention industry are watching with a wary eye, noting that two of the firms poised to bid for contracts have poor track records with accountability and abuse in migrant detention. MORE…
Cartels Are Selling Children for $3,200 at Biden’s Open Border
“The cartels will literally tell these people, ‘If you have a minor with you we’ll give you a lower price of $3,200,’” he told War Room, Friday. “’We’ll give you safe passage.’” On top of child smuggling, “we have all these pedophiles, rapists, and kidnappers being released into the United States,” Hernadez said. “This is not a Republican issue, not a Democrat issue. MORE…
16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops
The MSM (Mainstream Media) has barely focused on anything other than COVID since March, with the purpose of almost all the ‘news’ being to scare the living daylights out of people and render them into docile submission. MORE…
Experimental COVID Vaccines: Largest Propaganda Campaign Ever Launched On The Public?
The final question is why are we failing to discuss, let alone adhere, to the precautionary principle before this massive undertaking to produce and distribute potentially billions of vaccines to inoculate the global population? MORE…
The Total Decimation Of America We’re Witnessing Now Unfolding Before Our Eyes Is Going Just As The Democrats Planned
Please don’t try to tell me that there are still over 20 million people collecting unemployment. That can’t be true or the Biden administration wouldn’t be flooding the country with hundreds of thousands of jobless homeless immigrants. It would be foolish to add more unemployed to the millions already facing hard times. MORE…
Experimental COVID Vaccines: Largest Propaganda Campaign Ever Launched On The Public?
The final question is why are we failing to discuss, let alone adhere, to the precautionary principle before this massive undertaking to produce and distribute potentially billions of vaccines to inoculate the global population? MORE…
Europe: 3,964 Dead And 162,610 Injured From Adverse Drug Reactions For COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
A database maintained in Europe has an inventory of cases where people either died or were injured from the Wuhan coronavirus vaccines. MORE…
Study Analyzes Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection
The wireless radiation-COVID connection
cannot be ignored if one is truly committed to discovering the underlying medical causes of whatever this COVID thing is. MORE…
Murder By Injection. Eustace Mullins
This conspiracy has resulted in a documented decline in the health of our citizens. We now rank far down the list of civilized nations in infant mortality and other significant medical statistics. MORE…
Throwback To The Swine Flu Hoax: SAME Script, SAME Tactics, SAME Players — 10 Years Prior To COVID-19 They Tried The Same But Failed
The Swine Flu scam had many of the same players participating in the fear of a false pandemic 10 years ago, but they failed thanks to scientists such as Wolfgang Wodarg intervening in time. When not punished, criminals learn from mistakes and the same criminals turned Covid-19 into what they had hoped for H1N1 Swine Flu. MORE…
Joe Biden Is Extremely Dangerous
Some people think Joe Biden is harmless because he is a senile old man but that could be the farthest thing from the truth. Ben Armstrong explains the many dangers of Joe Biden. MORE…
Exclusive — Gordon Chang: China Attempting to ‘Overthrow the American Government Using Race Themes’ like ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’
Chang explained how Chinese officials and state-run media frame criticisms of China as a cause of “hate against Asian-Americans” while characterizing the American government as pursuing policies of “white racism.” China also pushes narratives of “white supremacy” to denigrate American society. MORE…
Too Many Deny the True Evils of Communism

The most glaring example of the denial of evil is communism, an ideology that, within a period of only 60 years, created modern totalitarianism and deprived of human rights, tortured, starved, and killed more people than any other ideology in history. MORE…
Rand Paul Is Right: Transgender Interventions for Kids Can Include ‘Genital Mutilation’

So far, President Joe Biden has issued a radical transgender executive order and the Democrat-controlled House just passed the Equality Act—the goal of which is to establish transgender ideology as the new orthodoxy of our day. MORE…
A People’s History of Struggle: Liberty or Lockdown

In the meantime, children’s education, small independent businesses, livelihoods and lives have been wrecked all in the name of a coronavirus whose impact has been overstated – certainly if we take time to deconstruct the media narrative of 120,000 ‘COVID-19 deaths’ in the UK to see how that figure has been arrived at. MORE…
Makow-Don’t Be So F**king Naive

The coronavirus pandemic is a media creation, fake news, the biggest psychological warfare stunt in history. They’re lying. Their modus operandi is to destroy you while saying it’s for your own good. MORE…
Cancel Yourself

“Free as a bird,” we say, and envy the winged creatures for their power of unrestricted movement in all the three dimensions. But, alas, we forget the dodo. Any bird that has learned how to grub up a good living without being compelled to use its wings will soon renounce the privilege of flight and remain forever grounded. MORE…
Zionist Hack Dorothy Thompson Learns What Happens When You Develop a Conscience

In 1939, Thompson was featured on the cover of Time magazine with an accompanying picture of her speaking into an NBC radio microphone. The article was captioned “she rides in the smoking car,” and it named her as the second-most-popular and influential woman in the country behind Eleanor Roosevelt. MORE…
Planetary Hysteria: Manufactured COVID-19 “Health Crisis” Pushes Humanity, Global Society to Total Shutdown

Capitol “Insurrection” Hoax

Remember, last summer some 7,750 “demonstrations” took place in over 2,000 cities, resulting in 20 deaths directly, an increase in murders in the thousands, and an estimated two billion dollars in damages. (Only 617 were officially called riots… MORE…
I’m a Clinical Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up America!

The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. MORE…
The Republican Party Is Failing to Deal with the Criminal Activities of the Democrat Party
Republicans ignored the greatest election results for a US President in history and align themselves with what now has become the communist left. Republicans remain silent… and don’t dare to suggest that the election was stolen in the greatest crime in history. MORE…
The COVID Cult And The 10 Stages Of Genocide
Before we get into the 10 stages, we all need to realize that the COVID scamdemic isn’t going anywhere. It’s only going to get worse until enough people stand up and challenge it. MORE…
Media Blackout: Italian Bars & Restaurants Disobey Rules And Open Together In Civil Disobedience
An estimated 50,000 bars, restaurants and other businesses are defying government orders and are remaining open to the public, together. MORE…
Egypt’s 2011 Color Revolution ~ America’s 2020 Color Revolution
In Egypt, it has not gone unnoticed that events ongoing in the Untied States in 2020 with Antifa and BLM share many characteristics with Egypt’s 2011 Color Revolution that was popularly, and erroneously, labeled “The Arab Spring.” It too demonstrated interactive united front coordination between the Neo-Marxist Left and the Islamic Movement. MORE…
The 2nd American Revolution Began Long Ago, When Democrat-Backed BLM And Antifa Terrorists Started Burning Down Police Stations & Businesses In 48 Of America’s Largest 50 Cities
Some of those “protests” went on for months with hundreds and thousands of businesses destroyed, public buildings, including a post office and police station, damaged. Spineless, soft, and stupid mayors and governors refused to arrest the rioters since they were bedfellows. Law enforcement watched as leftist thugs disrupted, destabilized, destroyed public and private businesses. The politicians’ response was to denounce, defund, and disband police. MORE…
The Corona Effect – A symptom of acidity and radiation poisoning
Bear in mind, the other thing that happened in Wuhan, China is that they launched 5G at a commercial level. So what if this “pandemic” is actually due to electromagnetic radiation as is questioned in many posts online by credible experts? How would you know? I wouldn’t expect the same media selling expensive ads for 5G to also tell us the truth about it, that it robs the immediate area of oxygen and is a military grade weapon studied in the 70’s. The “talking heads” likely don’t even know. MORE…
Where’s The Constitutional Authority For The CDC Mask Mandates?
Civil rights attorneys must be chomping at the bits over this one. The unconstitutional Center for Disease Control ups and thinks it not only has authority to create law but to enforce it when it comes to facemask mandates. We’ll look at what the Constitution and Bible say about disease control and where the CDC is deriving its pretended authority. MORE…
What Happened To The Flu Season? Epidemiologist Says The Flu Has Been Reclassified As COVID-19
A few months ago, some infectious disease experts began warning that it would extremely difficult, as the COVID-19 pandemic lingered into the fall, for frontline healthcare providers to determine if sickness was due to the novel coronavirus or good, old-fashioned influenza. MORE…
Resisting COVID Tyranny: “I Do Not Comply!”
Among the examples taking place in Georgia is the town of Peachtree Corners, where Communist Chinese-style security cameras connected to Artificial Intelligence were installed to monitor compliance with illegal COVID mandates such as masks, lockdowns, and social distancing. Rand’s MORE…
Surviving The ‘Biden Apocalypse’: Biden Picks Up Where Obama Left Off, Wasting No Time Pushing The Globalists Agenda – A Look At America’s Future Should Worst Case Scenarios Unfold
Reporting that Biden has rescinded a President Trump order which banned Chinese involvement in the US power grid, what could go wrong should war break out between China and America, and Chinese ‘agents’ who were installed into electric companies across America unleash their ‘sabotage’ upon the grid? MORE…
The Covid-19 Red Team
America is under intense public health, financial, economic, political, regulatory, social, psychological, media, and ideological stress. There are known political warfare scenarios that envision the leveraging of these circumstances to maneuver America into precisely the situation it currently finds itself – a situation that makes it vulnerable to hostile political warfare exploitation. As the Soviets would say, “Comrad, there are no exceptions.” MORE…
The Great Purge Of 2021 Will Have Dire Consequences Nationwide As ‘Big Tech’ Declares War Upon America By Censoring Our Commander In Chief
The point here is that Joe Biden has not even been inaugurated and yet the emboldened, censorious Nazi’s of social media, aka, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, and Big tech including Apple, Google play, and YouTube, have already begun the “Great Purge of 2021.”
The Role of the Israel Lobby in Jon Ossoff’s Ascendance
Partly through emphasizing his pro-Israel credentials, Ossoff was able to raise $33 million for his 2017 campaign, and the race became the most expensive House race in American history up to that time.
Former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford Does Interview and Shows Off His Mao Pic In the Background
Now you have probably heard of Mao Zedong, the guy who led a Chinese communist revolutionary responsible for the death of tens of millions of people… Well that guy’s portrait can be seen HANGING ABOVE FORD’S MANTEL.
FINALLY SOMEONE WITH A SPINE! President of Chicago Police Union Defends Capitol Protesters: ‘There Was No Arson… Looting…’
“I don’t have any doubt that something shady happened in this election,” Catanzara said. “You’re not going to convince me that that many people voted for Joe Biden. Never for the rest of my life will you ever convince me of that. But, again, it still comes down to proof.
“If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn’t F-ing Elect You!” – DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)
A worker in DC filmed the military presence in the city early in the morning. He asks why would someone need to put up such barriers if he legitimately won the election?
Lin Wood: Entire World Controlled By Pedophile Extortion And Blackmail Schemes
There is a global cabal of enforcers who entrap leaders into these child rape, pedophilia and murder schemes, then use the video blackmail to control them throughout their entire political careers.
Darkness Falls Upon America And Secrecy Fills The Air As Democrats Cement Their Coup – More Signs Covid 19 Was An Act Of War To Help The Globalists Bring In Their ‘New World Order’
CENSORED: Peer-Reviewed Published Study Showing 5G Induces Coronaviruses Disappears from Journal
Experimental COVID Vaccines: Largest Propaganda Campaign Ever Launched On The Public?
Fear And The Herd Instinct
Scientist Has To Hide Identity To Appear On Air And Tell The Truth About COVID-19: Almost No Cases Of Common Flu In Hospitals – All Designated Covid
This is Not a vaccine – It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator.
Moderna Admits: MRNA Jabs Are An ‘Operating System’ Designed To Program Humans
The mRNA platform is where Big Pharma merges with Big Tech, enslaving human beings to a controlling system designed to profit from their cellular and biological functions into the unforeseeable future.
The Totalitarian Roots Of The Democrats ‘Unspeakably Evil’, Baby-Slaughtering Government Provide Us More Signs ‘A Great Purge’ Awaits Us In The Days Ahead Like With All Communist Regimes
According to this recent story over at the World Socialist Web Site (saved at archive), the coronavirus ‘pandemic’ is ‘being used’ for much more than just ‘locking down’ America; support for ‘socialism’ amongst America’s younger generations has jumped nearly 10% as more and more of ‘America’s largest voting block of the future’ blames the ‘failure of capitalism in 2020’ for much of their ills.
Study: Bill Gates DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More African Girls Than The Disease Itself
The DTP vaccine was discontinued in the United States and other western nations in the 1990s following thousands of reports of death and brain damage.
VIDEO: Capitol Police Removed Barriers and Allowed Protesters to Walk Right Into the Capitol
The power of No!
Saying No comes before saying Yes, in the context of putting a brake on the slide into slavery currently besetting a great proportion of mankind. There comes a moment, in nearly everybody’s life, when one makes a stand against some intolerable treatment which is being meted-out by the forces of control and subversion.
Police escorts receive chartered Antifa buses in D.C. ahead of Jan. 6 Trump rally
Domestic terrorist organization, which means the “thin blue line,” at least in D.C., has joined up with terrorists in the fight to steal the election for Joe Biden.
Irish People Requested Scientific Proof That Covid19 Exists and Lockdown Measures Work, But It’s All a Hoax
When you really start looking into things, rather than just taking the claims from the media and government at face value, you realize the whole Covid story is BS.
Anthony Fauci Appears To Get Vaccinated On Live Television In His Left Arm But Then Points To His Right Arm As Injection Site Afterward
As all the various celebrities and politicians parade themselves on live television, making such a huge show about getting vaccinated with the “safe and reliable” vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, the slip-ups in this COVID Theater are beginning to mount.
President Trump Shares ‘The Plot To Steal America’
“The very real truth that our nation is facing, its greatest threat since the American Revolution,” he stated. “Because as our founding fathers knew all too well, the moment we no longer have free speech and a free press to keep the government in check, we no longer have a democracy.”
Scroll down for Video MORE…
The Kraken Is Getting Bigger: Attorney Sidney Powell Releases 270 Page Document On Massive 2020 Election Fraud Involving Foreign Interference
“Powell contends that documents in the binder prove direct foreign interference and fraud tainted the Nov. 3 presidential election, and that President Donald Trump was re-elected. The entire binder is reproduced here for exclusively.”
Hong Kong Autonomy Act
It is the sense of Congress that–
(1) the United States continues to uphold the principles and
policy established in the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of
1992 (22 U.S.C. 5701 et seq.) and the Hong Kong Human Rights and
Democracy Act of 2019
Thousands of Japanese supporters of President Trump rally in central Tokyo
Thousands rallied in support of US President Donald Trump in Tokyo, on Wednesday, protesting the results of the US presidential elections which they say are ‘fraudulent’. Trump supporters chanted slogans such as ”Trump Great” while marching and carrying banners reading ”Trump keep America great 2020.”
New Study: Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect In Florida Or Nationwide (But The Lie Continues)
In other words, counties with mask-mandates in place actually did WORSE than those that refused to implement them. (Yeah, color me shocked.) The authors even accounted for population density in their analysis, suggesting that it didn’t have an impact on the numbers because four of the 12 most populous counties in Florida never had a countywide order.
THEY’RE LYING TO YOU: WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity From Their Website
This claim somehow pretends as if human beings do not have immune systems at all but rather rely entirely on big pharma to inject things into our blood.
Exclusive — Pompeo: Thanks to Trump, Chinese Communist Party ‘Has Now Shown Itself’ and Is Exposed
Thanks to the work of Trump and his administration, Pompeo said, combined with the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party and its influence operations across the country and around the world are well known and public.
IMF Seizes on Pandemic to Pave Way for Privatization in 81 Countries
The enormous economic dislocation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic offers a unique opportunity to fundamentally alter the structure of society, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) if using the crisis to implement near-permanent austerity measures across the world.
The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine
Over time, this has evolved to the engineering of epidemics—the medical version of false flags. In theory, these can be “psyops” or events engineered with chemical warfare, biowarfare, or wireless technology. If this sounds strange, dive into all the writings of the “Targeted Individuals.”
What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?
They use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
A Masked Society Is a Slave Society
Once one has proper and truthful information, it should be abundantly clear that mandated mask wearing is nothing more than a test to determine the weakness and gullibility of the people at large. But this test, insisted on by government agents, and meant only to judge the compliance level of its citizens, does deadly harm.
More Signs Of A Great Purge Ahead With Covid-19 Planned-Demic Used By Governments Worldwide To Usher In Tyranny
Whether called “democide”, “politicide”, “classicide” or “genocide”, would anyone really put it past the globalists/deep state to try to carry out such mass killings here in America in the future
Liquidating America’s kulaks
Joseph Stalin, when attempting a Great Reset of his own (collectivization and absolute tyranny), faced a huge obstacle in the existence of millions of small landowners, those employed the labor of others, called kulaks.
Creating Good Little Communists Through Coercive Persuasion
Communist goals number thirty-eight and thirty-nine explicitly state that all behavioral problems should be treated like psychiatric disorders that only psychiatrists understand and, that psychiatry itself should be used to create mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control.
Trump legal team presents ‘clear and viable’ path to victory
The Trump campaign’s legal team lays out what they call a “clear and viable” path to victory for President Trump’s second term in the fight for the White House. One America’s Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has more from Washington. MORE…
“TRUMP WILL WIN” President Trump Legal Team Hearing On Pennsylvania Ballots | NewsNOW From FOX
President Trump’s legal team speaks on the Election 2020 concerns in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Court grants hearing in election integrity case challenging the constitutionality of Act 77 (mail-in ballots).
Atomic Bombshell: Analysis Of Election Night Data Allegedly Shows Over 500k Votes Switched From Trump To Biden And Over 2,86 MILLION Votes Simply Deleted
Based on this initial analysis over 500,000 votes were identified that were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden. In addition to this another 2,865,757 votes were deleted.
POTUS: Dominion Voting System “Deleted” 2.7 Million Trump Votes
The report goes on to say that “The ballot-marking devices incorrectly informed voters that they were casting their ballots, when in fact they were only printing them. The ballots are not counted until they were scanned on a different device.”
American Coup: This Was Not Just Voter Fraud Out Of Philly – It’s A Coup By The Oligarchy
The plan was simple. Saturate the media with polls showing a blue wave and an inevitable victory. Discourage people from voting in person. And then, after tabulating the paltry votes of those who defied the media to vote in person, dump all the tampered, altered, and harvested ballots for Biden in key cities.
Black Lives Matter: Chinese Communist Party Network
Black Lives Matter is influenced and directed by Asians 4 Black Lives, Liberation Road, LeftRoots, and the Chinese Progressive Association. And all four of these overlapping organizations are loyal to the CCP.
16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops
Ultimately, we know the endgame is to put people into such states of anxiety, stress and fear that they will accept any level of state security, corporatocratic surveillance, invasion of privacy and violation of their sovereign, unalienable, inherent, god-given rights.
Techno-Tyranny: How The US National Security State Is Using Coronavirus To Fulfill An Orwellian Vision
This perspective clearly clashes with the public rhetoric of prominent U.S. government officials and politicians on China, who have labeled the Chinese government’s technology investments and export of its surveillance systems and other technologies as a major “threat” to Americans’ “way of life.”
Globalist Klaus Schwab: World Will ‘Never’ Return To Normal After COVID Despite Him Admitting That Coronavirus ‘Doesn’t Pose A New Existential Threat’
Namely, technocratic dictatorial rule by a tiny elite, the “green new deal,” the gradual abolition of private property, a guaranteed minimum wage that will see jobs replaced by robots, a crackdown on personal liberties and curtailing freedom of movement.
ZERO Ethics: MSNBC Contributor Jon Meacham Has Been Writing Biden’s Speeches
In a revelation announced Monday by The New York Times, former Newsweek editor, liberal historian, and MSNBC/NBC contributor Jon Meacham has been writing speeches for former Vice President Joe Biden, including his Saturday night “victory speech.” Of course, Meacham and the Comcast-owned networks never disclosed this fact.
Dr. Pascal Sacré: How To Lock Down Humanity Using A Misleading ‘Test’ (Up To 90% Of The People Who Tested Positive Did Not Carry A Virus)
This misuse of RT-PCR technique is used as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society, the degradation of living conditions for a large number of ordinary citizens, under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.
The People Respond To Big Tech Censorship – Abandon Social Media Giants For Parler – Nearly 5 Million New Users Since Friday
Facebook and Twitter’s suppression of election information was a catalyst, causing many people to lose their trust,” he continued. “But the movement away from these platforms was already well underway. Many of you have been activists alongside us, calling out the lack of transparency and unjust, biased policies of our competitors, as part of the Twexit and Erasebook campaigns we launched earlier this year.”
Donald Trump Declares Election Fraud, ‘If You Count the Legal Votes I Win’
The Democrats and the Presstitutes Will Not Admit a Trump Win
Donald Trump: Joe Biden ‘Has Not Been Certified as Winner’ of Anything
Graphs Show Late-Night Biden Mail-In Ballot Bailout In Wisconsin And Michigan [UPDATED]
It truly appears that the fix is in
Trump WINS election; Democrats now working overtime to STEAL it by fabricating hundreds of thousands of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin
Mexican Journalist Exposes Joe Biden’s Human Trafficking Compact
Breaking! Massive Voter Fraud Alleged In Wisconsin And Michigan After Drop Of 300,000 Ballots For Biden And ZERO For Trump
Trump: I’m Winning By Large Margins and ‘Everything Just Stopped’ Getting Counted
Joe Biden Campaign Won’t Say if He’ll Cooperate with FBI Probe on Son
New Zealand’s COVID-19 Quarantine ‘Camps’ Are The End Of Personal Freedom
Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election

Biden family scandal: Seven uncomfortable realities confronting the Democrat nominee
Do Not Wear a Mask and Do Not Get a Shot: Never Comply!
Rothschild filed COVID-19 test patent in 2015 ahead of outbreak, millions of test kits sold in advance
The Covid-19 Numbers Game: The “Second Wave” is Based on Fake Statistics
The fear campaign has gone into overdrive. Millions of people are lining up for Covid-19 testing.
Drastic state measures are contemplated, including restrictions on social gatherings, marriages, funerals, the closing down of restaurants and bars, the outright paralysis of civil society. MORE…
Video: The “Smoking Guns” of a Manufactured Pandemic
“Closing down the Global Economy as a means to combating the Killer Virus. That’s what they want us to believe. If the public had been informed that Covid-19 is “similar to Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat…”
Confirmed by prominent scientists as well as by official public health bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus. MORE…
Interview with an NHS Nurse: “Where’s the challenge? Where’s the crisis? Where’s this Covid?”
The interview was conducted by Gavin Phillips. The nurse has to remain anonymous because if she’s named she’s likely to lose her job, given the NHS’s draconian policy about not talking to the media. But Lockdown Sceptics has confirmed she is indeed a registered nurse – we’ve seen her NHS id and spoken to her.
House investigators have now joined the Senate in requesting the FBI open a criminal investigation into possible foreign influence-peddling & embezzlement involving Joe Biden and his younger brother and son based on suspicious financial activities flagged by US Treasury.
No News Is Good News: Media Willfully Ignore Hunter Biden Scandal
Senate Intelligence Committee report detailed how the son of a major presidential candidate, who has an extensive history of shady foreign business dealings, received a $3.5-million wire transfer from the wife of a Russian politician. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and most major media outlets didn’t cover the wire-transfer story at all.
Burisma admits in court that it bribed Joe and Hunter Biden
A developing story about the case of Ukrainian gas holding company Burisma against People’s Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Derkach has revealed that Burisma did, in fact, bribe Joe and Hunter Biden with large cash payments. The only question is how much did these two crooks receive?
David Martin: Fauci Funded COVID-19 Development in Wuhan
“The Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute of Health, NIAID, and CDC are criminal colluding parties. I’m saying that word, and that’s a heavy word, I’m not saying it lightly.
The interesting way I define criminal is if there is an explicit law that you are explicitly violating. For me, that’s a crime.” MORE…
We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How…
President Trump’s doctor said that Trump’s diagnosis was confirmed using the PCR test. Just like virtually every other ‘confirmed case’ we hear reported.
But was PCR really developed with the intention of diagnosing infectious diseases? Is PCR capable of diagnosing infectious diseases? How could a test developed almost 40 years ago be used to diagnose a brand new disease found less than one year ago? MORE…
Belgian health experts demand full investigation into WHO for faking COVID-19 pandemic
That would mean 760 million people have contracted the Asiatic pathogen. If true, the death rate from the virus could be far below one percent, which means the virus is much less deadly than the leftist media have said it is.
WHO: 760M Have Chinese Virus. So How Deadly Is It?
Though the World Health Organization reports a little more than 35 million confirmed Chinese Virus cases across the globe and more than one million deaths, a top WHO official said yesterday that as much as 10 percent of the world’s population has been infected.
Book by Indian biological weapons expert claims COVID-19 is bioterrorism
Chauhan discusses how the current pandemic is a type of opportunistic bioterrorism through the lens of his experience as a medical graduate and police officer, relying on scientific evidence and open source intelligence to back up his claims.
We also know that China colluded with the World Health Organization to downplay the virus, claiming there was little to no risk of transmitting the disease from person to person despite knowing otherwise. MORE…
The State’s Response to this ‘Virus’ Is Nothing More than a Weapon of Mass Submission
Logic would dictate that this fake pandemic should be over for good after the new CDC death figures for the U.S. were recently exposed. That report showed that 94% of those said to have died from Covid alone did not die from Covid at all.
In fact, the 94% that died who were claimed as Covid deaths had on average 2.6 other co-morbidities evident. What that means is this entire virus scam was a fraud all along, and is being used as a weapon of submission in order to gain control over the entire population. MORE…
Mandatory Mask Wearing Is Silent Terrorism Meant for Psychological Submission
Since when does any politician have any right to dictate to an entire population that they have to wear masks or any other type of clothing? Since when in this day and age did absolute slavery of all become a mainstay of American society?
‘Rogue’ Chinese Virologist Joins Twitter, Publishes “Smoking Gun” Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab
And another critical allegation: once again, the Wuhan Researchers were doing everything in their power to weaponize and boost the “enhancement of the infectivity and pathogenicity of the laboratory-made coronavirus”
Masks Cause Damage: Study Reveals Mask-Hypoxia-Blood Clot Connection
Regardless of what uninformed people think, the science is showing how serious mask wearing can be for ordinary people due to the hypoxia-blood clot link. How much longer are people going to be given their medical marching orders by politicians?
The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup
The evidence that COVID-19 is a bioweapon is overwhelming – and so is the evidence that 5G is involved to either cause the flu-like symptoms/pneumonia people have been experiencing, and/or to exacerbate the virulence of the virus by weakening people’s immune systems and subjecting them to pulsed waves of EMF to open up their skin to foreign DNA fragments (including viruses).
Everything you need to know about the BLM. The three Black Dykes from the LGBTQP Movement that Formed Black Lives Matter (BLM) are Garza, Cullors, and Tometi. All three admit to being Lesbian Marxist Communists. Furthermore, the BLM is funded by Illuminati Globalist George Soros. The founders believe that their backgrounds have paved the way for Black Lives Matter to be an intersectional movement.
Marxism is Communism, Communism is Judaism and Zionism. This is how Jewish Psychological warfare is playing out in a race war, and why so many Blacks are able to see through the race-baiting, Communist movement that is using them as the poster children for the New World Order of complete slavery. MORE…
Pandemic Masks Satanist Power Trip
Communists always have a plausible excuse for their ruthless satanic agenda. A naked grab for more power would meet with resistance. That is why it is disguised asa pandemic. But what is the difference between martial law and medical martial law based on a phoney pandemic? None.
Kabbalah Explains Scamdemic & New World Order
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.
Technology Enhances Control: The Impact of Science on Society
Technological aids for controlling fertility, genetically altering agriculture, people and animals, and for advancing the weapons of war are all discussed. Each of these examples and many more all strengthen, not weaken, the power handed to the controllers.
Masks Cause Damage: Study Reveals Mask-Hypoxia-Blood Clot Connection
A serious and potentially lethal hypoxia-blood clot connection has been found by a scientific study entitled Hypoxia downregulates protein S expression. The study, published in July 2018, describes how hypoxia (a low concentration of oxygen) decreases Protein S in the blood, a natural anticoagulant. This leads to an increased risk for the development of thrombosis or blood clots, some of which are potentially life-threatening.
The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup
This is why it has already been banned in many places worldwide, such as Brussels, the Netherlands and parts of Switzerland, Ireland, Italy, Germany, the UK, the USA and Australia. After all, 5G is not just the next generation of mobile connectivity after 4G; it is a radical and entirely new type of technology – a military technology used on the battlefield that is now being ‘deployed’ (military term) in the civilian realm.
Chinese Government Foreknowledge? Drill for Coronavirus 30 Days Before Wuhan Military Games
What are the chances of the Chinese authorities randomly choosing to practice for a coronavirus entering their country, given the thousands of pathogens and diseases they could have practiced for? This drill was held exactly 30 days before the key date of October 18th, 2019 – the same date when the Wuhan Military Games began and also the very same date when Event 201 (Big Pharma, Bill Gates, China’s CDC, America’s CDC, etc.) was held in the USA which was also simulating a ‘fictional’ scenario of how to handle a coronavirus epidemic.
Doctor Reveals the Corona Effect – Claims COVID is Blood Coagulation
He also connects COVID to the acidity/alkalinity level inside the body. The corona effect (which I wrote briefly about in Deep Down the Virus Rabbit Hole – Question Everything) shows deformed red blood cells which indicate oxygen deprivation and radiation poisoning. What is going on here? Let’s take a closer look.
Leftist Demonrat Propaganda is the Cause of All Terrorism
Climate terrorism, Jihadi terrorism, Antifa terrorism, Obama terrorism. These are the causes of the mental instability in America that incites lunatics and hateful liberals to extreme violence. Liberals are not interested in resolving these crimes. They only seek to use them as a vehicle by which to demonize Republicans.>
Lockdown Message: You Have NO Rights
The alleged virus didn’t just MAGICALLY manifest itself in all the states, in old age homes, in hospitals, etc, etc. just like THAT. Yet that’s exactly the picture that the Media Liars have painted for us from about March 1 forward. The Covid-19 “test” is a joke. It’s NOT testing for Covid-19.
They Created Flu Hysteria to Destroy Freedom
The common flu infects millions of Americans every years and causes as many as 50,000 deaths annually, as the above chart indicates. In contrast, there are 1200 serious cases of the coronavirus, as of yesterday, and 700 people have died, a rate of two per million. For what looks like the common flu, millions of people have lost their jobs and thousands of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. The politicians responsible for this travesty need to be held accountable.
Busted: 11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear not Fact
We have had confirmation after confirmation after confirmation (in nations all over the world) that authorities are counting the deaths in a way that makes no sense. Well, it makes no sense if you want to be sensible or accurate, but it makes perfect sense if you are trying to artificially inflate the numbers and create the impression of a pandemic where there is none.
Mental Health and the Pandemic: What You Need to Know
Trust me when I say this: your outlook will become much brighter when your day is not filled by press conferences, the follies of incompetent government officials, and stories of suffering. Here are some tips on handling a barrage of terrible events.
The Irony of Democrat’s Ultimate Two-Faced Ideology
The human psyche is built to withstand only a certain amount of pressure, and in our over-connected world, during a global crisis, the stressful stimuli we’re soaking up in a single day is astronomical. The mind has a few coping mechanisms, like fight or flight, cognitive dissonance, denial, Stockholm syndrome, etc., but in a time like this, you’re likely to experience it all.
It is the companion piece to Orwell’s 1984. The overt brutal force has been removed from the equation in Brave New World. Instead: all births are synthetic, hatched in artificial womb factories, with accompanying genetic manipulation; no more nuclear families; no more monogamy; education is achieved through hypnotic sleep-learning; a caste system is engineered so the lower, less intelligent classes are happy with their lot, and the upper-level “alphas” occupy the top positions; the castes have little interest in associating with each other.
FDA Quietly Reveals That COVID-19 Has Not Been Isolated & CDC Again Admits No Evidence Masks Work
This type of immediate, hall-monitor style of content removal is similar to the recent censoring of the Plandemic film, London Real’s interview with David Icke, the video of doctors calling for an end to the lockdown, and so many more. Information about hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19 is being heavily censored. This is true. Whether you would choose the treatment for yourself or not, your ability to see both sides of the issue is being restricted.
Remember, Remember the 5th of September
It seems November is just too far away to properly sync up with the Guy Fawkes legacy. Remember, remember the 5th of November September could be the new legacy laid down by brave Australian’s when they besiege capital cities in the thousands across the nation in solidarity to oppose the government’s draconian rules set in place during this fake pandemic. MORE…
$4 Million Ad Blitz Exposes Transgender Radicalism of Joe Biden and Democrats
The ads draw attention to both Biden’s and incumbent U.S. Sen. Gary Peters’ (D-MI) support for policies that could encourage young children, who claim to be uncomfortable with their biological sex, to follow a course of transgender medical interventions that is irreversible.
Queensland to be Restricted and Back in Lockdown in September?
The COVID-19 vaccine is losing popularity by the day. Polls carried out by the mainstream media are backfiring on them with the majority voting against it. What’s an Orwellian government to do? By General Maddox. World leaders have been touting it since the lockdowns started. Bill Gates has been chanting the mantra as well. It […]
Phil Robertson: ‘Satanic Mob’ of Democrats Led by ‘Monster’ Joe Biden Want to ‘Get Rid of Jesus’
“A bunch of Democratic thugs” hostile to the Make America Great Again message seek to “make America hate again,” stated Robertson.
Robertson said, “[Democrats] come along and say, ‘No, we want to make America hate again, and we’re going to show you how.’ MORE…
Pro-Life Leaders Say Biden-Harris ‘Most Pro-Abortion Presidential Ticket in History’
It was Harris who, as California attorney general, directed her office to lead the raid on Center for Medical Progress (CMP) project lead David Daleiden after CMP released undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue sales practices.
As attorney general of California, Harris conspired with the abortion industry to launch a politically-motivated shakedown of brave citizen journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s role in the harvest and sale of aborted baby parts for profit. MORE…
Trump’s Campaign Slogan Should Be – SAVE AMERICA!
If you’ve been asleep under a rock and haven’t figured it out yet, America is under assault from a communist uprising by the DNC – Democratic National-socialist Communist Party.
BLM is not about justice and harmony – it’s about racial division. Antifa is not about fighting fascism – it’s about fascists fighting liberty. MORE…
Invasion of the New Normals
People’s minds are being taken over by a much more destructive and less otherworldly force … a force that transforms them overnight into aggressively paranoid, order-following, propaganda-parroting totalitarians.
I’ve been calling them “corona-totalitarians,” but I’m going to call them the “New Normals” from now on, as that more accurately evokes the pathologized-totalitarian ideology they are systematically spreading. MORE…
COVID: is the virus real?
A correct reading of suppressed medical history reveals that the hypothesis of “one disease, one germ” is a modern con, moving down a blind alley at midnight. And when you add “one vaccine” to the formula, you get an even greater degree of lunacy.
I don’t care how many contemporary molecular biologists are working in labs, amplifying invisible slivers of who knows what molecules into view, and calling them viruses; it’s a con. MORE…
Coronavirus Is the New ‘Terrorism’
The strategic plan could eventually include Bill Gates’ and Anthony Fauci’s suggestion that individuals receive “digital certificates” indicating they are vaccinated for or immune to coronavirus.
A certificate would be required before an individual can go to work, to school, or even to the grocery store. MORE…
Hurtling Toward Totalitarianism: A Call To Action In Defense Of All We Hold Dear
You are a soldier in a war being waged right now.
You. Reading this. You’ve been unknowingly drafted into the greatest fight of our generation, and worse, there’s a good chance you’ve already fallen prey to the enemy, or even been turned yourself. MORE…
Coronavirus Rules Don’t Apply to Sharpton’s 100,000 Racists March
Not only is Al Sharpton a bigot whose hateful rallies have been linked to violence against minorities, but his proposed rally and march would almost certainly spread the virus further in Washington D.C.
As the National Action Network advances a plan to bring 100,000 bigots for an extended rally from high-risk states, in violation of Washington D.C.’s own rules and CDC guidelines, there has been no pushback. MORE…
The Great Covid-19 Deception and What You Need to Know to Survive
When it comes to safe, effective and affordable therapies for Covid 19, Big Pharma and its agents, i.e. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and many others, appear to have an agenda to lie to you and your physician.
The most obvious example is their ongoing effort to ridicule the treatment option of hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc. We’ve all watched the harsh criticism that President Trump received when he promoted this protocol for Covid 19. MORE…
The Pleasures of Depopulating the Earth
It doesn’t appear widely recognised that one fundamental pillar of globalisation, of our imminent New World Order in fact, is an astonishingly vigorous and vicious attempt to eliminate not only the world’s surplus poor but to depopulate the entire non-white world
This essay is an introduction to the origins of depopulation. Emma Goldman was a Jewish Communist Bolshevik, anarchist, escapee from an insane asylum, conspirator to violence and murder, trouble-maker and nymphomaniac, and not necessarily in that order MORE…
Donald Trump to Ohio Workers: Obama-Biden Were ‘Perfectly Happy to Let China Win’
President Donald Trump in Ohio Thursday criticized former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden for abandoning American workers.
“American factory workers received nothing but broken promises and brazen sellouts and lost jobs. The last administration tied America up in one globalist debacle after another,” Trump said. MORE…
“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID
“5G = Human Extinction, Global Depopulation” Dr. Rashid Buttar
“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID
FAIL: The Exact Same COVID Test will Produce Different Results Depending on the Laboratory

Who is Dr. Fauci?
There’s A Connection Between Coronavirus And 5G
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Corona Virus Fakery And The Link To 5G Testing
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Democrat Media: Evil is Called Good, Violence is ‘Peaceful’
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The Ultimate Divide And Conquer: A Campaign Of Mass Psychological Terrorism
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The Los Angeles Pogrom That No Jewish Organization Will Talk About
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Connecting The Dots On The Covid-19 Deception: ‘Withholding Information Is The Essence Of Tyranny While Controlling The Flow Of Information Is The Tool Of Dictatorship’
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The Covid-19 Global False Flag Showed How Easily ‘The Masses’ Can Be Manipulated & Controlled While Bringing Down Entire Economies And Leaving Freedom Hanging By A Thread
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Propaganda, like the Force, has a strong influence on the weak-minded
The Cult Dynamics of Wokeness ARTICLES The Cult Dynamics of Wokeness
The Jonestowning of America
‘We Fear No More’: Thousands Protest Hong Kong Security Law
Democrat Cities are the Third World Sh*tholes of America
Democrat’s Continuing War on America, Christianity, and Liberty.
Trump Must Break Up the Big Tech Monopolies Now
COVID-19 & Riots: Concocted Events To Bust The Economy & Keep It Down
Democrats & Jim Crow: A Century of Racist History the Democratic Party Prefers You’d Forget
Resist or Submit, by Robert Gore
America’s Own Color Revolution
Portrait of Evil: Karl Marx, a Disciple of Hell on Earth
Gates Foundation Meets w/ Contact Tracing Participants & H.R. 6666 Drafter Months BEFORE Coronavirus
The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry
WATCH: Resurfaced Joe Biden Speech Shows Him Urging Chinese Communist Party To Increase Its Influence In The United States
Democrats Declare Hillary and Obama Guilty of Treason Should Face Death
White House petition to investigate Bill Gates for ‘crimes against humanity’ surpasses 380,000 signatures
After Trump declares Antifa a terrorist organization, the communist-funded radical Left will turn America into a battleground…
George Soros Funded Terrorist Group “Antifa” Plans to Make US “Ungovernable”
BOOM!!! Soros & Obama Responsible For Minneapolis Incident Sparking Nationwide Riots
Realizing Democrats are Domestic Enemies Makes Them Comprehensible
Schlichter: This Election Is Republicans Versus China
As Cops Abandoned Them, Black and White Gun Owners Come Together to Protect Small Businesses
U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia Issue Joint Statement Condemning Chinese Move on Hong Kong
Hong Kong Lashes Out After China Makes Move to Take Total Control
In Hong Kong, the people demanded democracy and freedom, while China has long dabbled in the sort of authoritarian communism that makes freedom advocates’ skin crawl. The crackdowns on these protests was vile from the start, and it now appears as though Beijing is going to use this coronavirus crisis to amplify their anti-democracy authority.
Pompeo says US considers welcoming Hong Kong people, entrepreneurs
Maoist “Rebellions” in America Inspired by China?
The Acceleration of New Underworld Order Feudalism
Discordians Plot, Organize and Stage Full-Tilt Insurrections (Updates)
AG Bill Barr: Violence Appears Planned by Far-Left Groups Using ‘Antifa-Like Tactics’
NYC Nurse Whistleblower: Patients Are Not Dying From Coronavirus, They Are Being “Murdered” By “Gross Negligence And Complete Medical Mismanagement.”
Black Georgia Democrat Supports Trump; Blasts His Own Party
How Easily We Allow Government To Suspend Our Rights
Dr. Annie Bukacek: COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated
Institutionalized Elderly are Facing a Massacre, not an Epidemic
Nigel Farage: Only Trump Has Stood up to China, But Citizens of the West Must Stand up Next
Americans Revolt Against Outlaw Socialist Governors
Knowing the Virus Was Spreading, China Shut Down Domestic Travel to and From Wuhan, Did NOT Stop International Flights
Americans Revolt Against Outlaw Socialist Governors
Vaccines and the Liberal Mind

Japan Paying $2 Billion for its Manufacturers to Leave China

The Bill Gates globalist vaccine depopulation agenda… as revealed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

COVID-19 and the War on Cash: What Is Behind the Push for a Cashless Society?

Francis Boyle was right: Is it time for Trump to arrest, prosecute and EXECUTE all those engaged in the “death science” industry who build weapons against humanity?

Max Igan and Deborah Tavares Roundtable Hosted by Kerry Cassidy
Why Are “Emergency Workers” at NYC’s Ronald O. Perelman Center Celebrating?

Genocidal Maniacs Bill and Melinda Gates Are Anti-White Racists

WHO Official: It’s Time To Remove People From Their Homes & COVID Task Force Admits Inflated Numbers

Time has come to remove the cancer of the CCP
No one wants this to come out about Coronavirus. Spread this, it keeps getting censored.
Pompeo: Chinese Communist Party Denying World Vital Coronavirus Information
Senator Cotton: China Unleashed This Plague On the World
Dems on a Death Trip as They Play Politics in a Pandemic
Beware of the Scheming Trotskyists
Missing Coronavirus Journalist’s Call for National Revolution Against Communism
Smoking Gun? Chinese Scientist Finds “Killer Coronavirus Probably Originated From A Laboratory In Wuhan”
Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? An Inside Look May Shock You!
Just A Coincidence? A U.S. Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Was Filed In 2015 And Granted In 2018
WTF: Gates Foundation Sponsored Training for ‘Fictional’ Coronavirus Outbreak That Caused 65 Million Deaths Last Year
China Just Escalated Their Brutal Persecution Of Christians To An Entirely New Level
‘Cultural Genocide’: Leaked Documents Reveal How China Uses AI, Mass Surveillance to Run Concentration Camps
How Obama’s Mid-East Policy Led to Nazi Rebirth in Today’s Germany
James Bacque: Scapegoating Germany
The Kalergi Plan & The Cultural Suicide of Germany: Almost 50% of Newborns are NOT GERMAN
1 Billion Animals Dead: Under A “Blazing Red Sky” In Australia, Apocalyptic Wildfires Are Killing Koalas, Kangaroos And Countless Other Creatures
H.G. Wells, #Pizzagate, and Wikipedia
Impeaching President Trump will allow the communists to complete their destruction of America; the Democrat party must be declared a criminal organization
Trump identifies “leaker” Adam Schiff as real author of Ukraine “whistleblower” complaint at press conference: Is this why Dems are protecting his identity?
Seb Gorka on Trump Doctrine: Beijing, Pyongyang, Moscow, Tehran ‘Now Know’ America’s Strength
Sweden Sees over 230 Bombings and Explosions in 2019
Denmark: Why Integration Fails
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Mother of Sexually Abused Boy Bander Breaks Her Silence, Implicates Disney, CAA, Hollywood Records, LAPD, DA & Industry Elite in Pedophile Ring & Cover-up
Nearly 5 Million Illegal Invaders Are Residing in the EU
Has China really stopped obtaining organs from executed prisoners?
Criticism of Immigration to be Banned and Deemed Hate Speech by EU
Europe: Cooperative Free Nations or Overly Controlled by Brussels?
UN Flies ‘First’ EU-funded Planeloads of Somalis, Syrians to Germany, Romania
Thousands of Girls Subjected to Female Genital Mutilation in Ireland, Experts Warn
The Kalergi Plan: Blueprint for White Genocide
It’s Not Enough To Be Pro-Freedom; We Must Also Be Actively Anti-Communist
Thousands on streets of Hong Kong rage against mask ban
God bless Hong Kong’: Videos reveal role of Christian minority in mass protests
Why are universities filled with left-wing communists and America haters? Because China has INFILTRATED hundreds of them with social engineers
china peac sign
LGBTQ goal is destruction of Christianity in society
Huawei Wants the World’s Next Trojan Horse to Be Chinese
Stalin Had Gulags, Turkey Has Courts
On eve of Chinese Communists’ 70th year in power, Hong Kong activist warns Taiwan
Taiwan gets ally as Prague mayor cuts Beijing ties
6.2 Million Non-White “Refugees” Seeking “Asylum” in Europe Since 2011
Population Replacement: As Migrants Swamp Sweden, Swedes Start Fleeing
The 1956 Hungarian Uprising was an Anti-jewish Revolt
UK and US: Toxic Politics
Google insider BOMBSHELL: “I saw something dark and nefarious going on” inside tech giant’s plans to “overthrow the United States”
The Spectre of Cyber-Communism
Does Iran Already Have Nuclear Weapons?
Democrats Allow Communists to Infiltrate their Party Across the Nation
The normalization of satanism and witchcraft is now nearly complete
The complete list: 19 different fraudulent and unfounded reasons for starting the Trump-Russia investigation …(and counting)
Typhus Outbreak: Los Angeles Descends Into Third World Hellscape
In Israel The Best Defense Is A Good Border Fence
Resisting jewish Servitude – An Address from Johann Fichte
The Bonfire of the Idiots
Muslim Migration and Rape Statistics in Europe
EUROPA – The Last Battle ~ The Full Documentary (2017)

Lookout, baby! The darkest parts of Bible are back
Jussie Smollett Hoax: He Did Not Act Alone, Sources Say It goes all the way up to Obama
Jewish Soviet Leadership Ordered Communist Takeover of Germany & Jews Led The Uprisings
Active American Coup D’Etat / Civil War / Western States

Exposing Stalin’s Plan to Conquer Europe
Why Is Nobody Talking About Sweden?
The Strange Death of Europe With America Close on Europe’s Heels
Quran mandates violence against every other religion, government and culture. It mandates honor killings, FGM and child marriages. It offers 72 virgins for martyrs who blow up sidewalk farmer’s markets.
While reading The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray, I felt appalled at “a continent and culture caught up in the act of self-induced suicide. These include rapid changes in the dynamics of global politics, world leadership and Muslim terror attacks across Europe.”Quran mandates violence against every other religion, government and culture. It mandates honor killings, FGM and child marriages. It offers 72 virgins for martyrs who blow up sidewalk farmer’s markets. MORE…
White House petition demands Nancy Pelosi be removed for Treason!
In Soviet Sweden, a Social Media Snitch is a National Hero
First, you allow radical left-wing Social Democrats (aka Bolshevik communists) to take over your government and capture your press. Then, self-appointed Cheka sadists like PoS Åberg naturally float to the top like a turd in a still toilet bowl.
Interestingly, in many European countries, it’s against the law to publish the name of someone merely accused of a crime. Names are withheld until conviction. But, from what we’ve observed, this rule doesn’t seem to apply to crimes relating to speech. MORE…
Denmark: “In One Generation, Our Country Has Changed”
The decision to send the criminal inhabitants of the asylum center to the uninhabited island of Lindholm caused great relief in Bording — an element the international press appears to have missed. Clearly, the right of law-abiding citizens to live in peace does not count for much on the scale of international moral outrage.
Significantly, the outraged international press did not offer any answers to the legitimate question of what governments are supposed to do with hardened criminal asylum seekers, who pose a genuine threat to their surroundings and have been sentenced to deportation, but cannot be deported from the country because of international human rights obligations. MORE…
Will Globalists’ War on Nationalism Lead to Bloody Revolution?
Protests in cities across France this weekend for ‘Acte X’ of the Yellow Vest movement were met with another round of heavy-handed reprisals from state security forces, not least the deployment of copious quantities of chemical weapons to disperse crowds. This revolution is not being televised – not truthfully anyway – because of a serious risk for the Powers That Be that its ideas will inspire people in other countries.
What happens when the democratic will of the people has nowhere to go? The ‘globalist class’ doesn’t seem to understand that all its political gamesmanship, social engineering and brutal repression will lead to nowhere but their violent overthrow. As JFK once said: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” MORE…
Holocaust Eyewitnesses’ Contradictory, Shifting & Evasive Testimony Is Protected From Questioning To Justify The Genocide Of Germans
Inevitably when anyone questions the genocide of European Jewry, eyewitness testimony is raised as proof that the genocide happened. However, most of the eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust story have proved to be extremely unreliable.
For example, John Demjanjuk, a naturalized American citizen, was accused by eyewitnesses of being a murderous guard at Treblinka named Ivan the Terrible. Demjanjuk was deported to Israel, and an Israeli court tried and convicted him primarily based on the eyewitness testimony of five Jewish survivors of Treblinka. Demjanjuk’s defense attorney eventually uncovered new evidence proving that the Soviet KGB had framed Demjanjuk, and that documents supposedly showing him to be a guard at Treblinka were Soviet forgeries. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the eyewitness accounts were not credible and that Demjanjuk was innocent. MORE…
How The Elites Are Using “Divide And Rule” To Control Us
It wasn’t long ago that the Left represented the anti-establishment wing in politics. They used to fight against globalism (remember the anti-globalization movement?) even if their motives were different from those of today’s anti-globalists, as well as being against censorship, imperialist wars, and the expanding powers of governments and corporations.
But today, you see leftists protesting against Brexit, attacking and censoring anyone who disagrees with the establishment (using Twitter on their Apple products while sipping on their Starbucks coffee), and are calling for war in Syria to challenge the Russians. MORE…
DEBT is the Achilles Heel of the globalist establishment… and pulling your money out of the banking system is the way to deal a DEATH BLOW to tyranny
As noted by Robert Gore at The Burning Platform blog, France’s Yellow Vest protesters may have inadvertently hit upon a way to bring about the collapse of the fiat money and debt system that is sustaining the very governments which increasingly suppress the people they are supposed to serve.
Gore notes that in recent days the French protesters — whom, you recall, took to the streets in response to a massive gasoline tax pushed by President Emmanuel Macron to fund France’s contributions to combat “global warming” agreed to at the Paris Accords in 2015 — have advocated a run on the country’s banks. Such a run, if it occurs, could actually start a chain reaction that would spread to other ostensibly wealthy countries including the United States. MORE…
The Jewish Inquisition: Canadian Woman, 59, Arrested in Germany for Thought Crime, Faces 18 Years in Prison
In Germany, it’s apparently socially encouraged to flaunt one’s sexual perversions, to capitalize on sexual perversion, to teach children about sexual prevision and to look the other way when migrants from second- and third-world countries commit grotesque acts of sexual perversion and rape against their own young folks.
But heaven help you if you question the holocaust or use the J-word in anything other than a flattering or sympathetic context. Financially powerful and politically connected international Jewish organizations are conducting an international Jewish Inquisition. Within the European Union countries, it appears that Germany is running the shit show — just as with most things E.U.-related. MORE…
The Euro-Establishment’s Fear of Populism
From the European Union’s standpoint, the historic levels of social unrest confronting French President Emmanuel Macron, one of its leading champions, came at a delicate moment in its dealings with Italy.
When Macron came from seemingly nowhere to defeat Le Pen in the May 2017 run-off, he became the youngest president in French history. He was hailed as the savior of the European Union, a centrist who succeeded in beating back the populists. As such, he came to symbolize the idea that the EU defends peace and democracy against the racists and xenophobes. But the spontaneous insurgency of the anti-establishment Yellow Vest movement suggests the real threats to social stability are the sheer hardships—and loss of living standards—suffered by large numbers of people. MORE…
Jewish Involvement in Contemporary Refugee and Migrant Organizations
In contrast to the modest overrepresentation of Jews in anti-immigration groups (around 5%), Jews are nothing short of prolific in influential senior roles in contemporary refugee, asylum, and pro-migration organizations.
Significantly, Jews occupy the leadership of all four of the largest and most influential (and nominally secular) organizations active in America today, the International Rescue Committee (President and CEO David Miliband), Refugees International (President Eric P. Schwartz, formerly of HIAS), International Refugee Assistance Project (Director Becca Heller), and Human Rights Watch (Executive Director Kenneth Roth, and Deputy Directors Iain Levine and Fred Abrahams). MORE…
Swindlers and Pigeons
This is a perfect formula for permanent war — somebody is always fighting. For investors, war is the best investment. These kosher miscreants who make their money out of fomenting conflict and furnishing the materials for war to the combatants they have secretly enflamed have no regard for anyone’s rights or feelings. The justify their psychopathological behavior by saying “It’s the law” — but these are laws they have created for themselves.
It’s their lack of empathy that gives them away, their denial of fairness to everyone else, their insistence that they are not bound by the laws that bind everybody else. The noble humans of old were above all, fair. MORE…
“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.
Her words echo recent comments by the deeply unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron who stated in a Remembrance Day speech that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism [because] nationalism is treason.”
U.K. Politician on Migration: No One Asked Us if We Wanted Our Culture Destroyed
“No one asked the people of the UK if we wanted our culture and way of life destroyed.” So said Janice Atkinson, an independent Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for South East England, in a recent interview. The stateswoman, author of the book Migrant Crime Wave: The EU Cover-Up Revealed, also lamented that Britons “have imported the third world, and are now suffering from third world practices.”
The MEP also complained about a culturally cowed U.K. that has enabled this transformation, telling interviewer Joshua Winston, “We have allowed this [Muslim] minority to exist in their own multicultural bubble which has festered hate, mistrust, misogyny and abhorrent practices such as FGM, child marriage, arranged marriage and Sharia law. And, of course, child sexual grooming, which is conducted by 80% Pakistani/Pakistani heritage men.” MORE…
Europe in Revolt: People vs. Elites on Migration, Climate, Taxes, Brexit, and More
The European Union’s globalist elites, who are attempting to gather all political power into the hands of Eurocrats in Brussels are being hit from all sides. First, they are pulling out all stops to prevent Britain from leaving the EU, which would be the biggest setback to their regional amalgamation since the launch of the European Economic Community (better known as the Common Market) in 1957.
The architects of that plan had intended from the very start to create a constantly evolving entity that would gradually usurp powers and sovereignty from the member nation states, until they eventually would find themselves trapped in a United States of Europe ruled by unaccountable dictators in Brussels. MORE…
Two Women Beheaded In Morocco; Denmark Finally Learning Its Lesson on Islamic Immigration
Islamic “shepherds,” police allege, beheaded the women near Mount Toubkal, the highest peak in Africa. Another day, another terror attack. Another since-removed beheading video posted to social media.
Which provides the opportunity to discuss not just the fatal naiveté that led to the beheading of two beautiful young women, but also to the near-inexplicable belief that mass Islamic immigration will not harm one’s country. MORE…
Belgians March Against Signing of UN Migration Scheme
Angry French Rioters Shout ‘we want Trump’
Emmanuel Macron, France’s new president apparently thought the masses would love him for his vehement support of climate change. Macron has subsequently gotten the message that his economic policies in support of battling the non-existent world game changer popularly called climate change – was a huge and costly mistake.
The rioting in France according to CNBC is the worst this country has seen since 1968. In what has been dubbed the “yellow vest” riots – rioters have blocked access to fuel depots, shopping malls, factories, and roads. MORE…
Why Do Middle Eastern Refugees Vandalize Christian Structures?
Triumph of Reason
As only White people are said to be racist the ‘racist’ smear is grotesque. We Europeans are race-conservationists. Separate development is natural whilst race-mixing promotes ethnicide for all races and ethnic groups. Wherever diversity is promoted there is widespread disharmony, resentment and violence. None of the inter-racial problems that plague the decadent West are experienced in countries were the indigenous peoples are sacrosanct.
Mixed race couples experience family estrangement and hostility. Their children are discriminated against and they feel that they’re neither one group nor the other, which is cruel. Condemned to early death, some people of mixed race are genetically unable to benefit from medical life-saving procedures accessible to those of one race. How can anyone bequeath such misery on their children? MORE…
Italy Fights Back at Anti-Christian Globalists
Rejecting the post-World War II era of materialism that has dominated the West for more than 70 years now, the Italian people are signaling that they increasingly want to reconnect with the values that gave meaning to their ancestors’ lives for 2,000 years.
This perhaps can be best described for the moment as a cultural phenomenon rather than a devoutly religious movement MORE…
Real history rather than victors spin teach us that atrocities are committed regardless of occupiers’ nationality, their ideals or ethnicity. However, there is proven to be just one ethnic-religious ideology that’s gratuitous and hideous depravities cause the crimes of all others to pale into relative insignificance.
Wherever they occupied the Soviet Bolsheviks routinely targeted and martyred the most innocent in the most depraved ways. “Vladimir Lenin gave orders to kill as many students as possible in several towns. Chekists (Secret Police) arrested every youth wearing a school cap. Students were singled out and casually killed because Lenin believed the coming Russian intellectuals would be a threat to the Soviet regime.” MORE…
A LEADING MEP has warned EU citizens they could be jailed for criticising migration policies if a new United Nations agreement is acted upon. The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration seeks to make immigration a universal human right.
The agreement wants to criminalise migration speech. Criticism of migration will become a criminal offence. Media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut down. The compact for migration is legalisation of mass migration (to Europe). MORE…
Sweden: Women Raped, Authorities Too Busy
According to Mikaela Blixt, after a man attacked her in the street and tried to rape her, the police did nothing, even though she knew where her attacker lived and could easily have identified him.
The Swedish mainstream media outlet, Expressen, wanted to interview Blixt, but, according to her, only on condition that she not mention that her attacker was an Afghan migrant. MORE…
Ukrainian President Playing a Dangerous Game
On November 118, the Kyiv Post described the results of a new poll showing just how deeply unpopular Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is in his country. “Nearly 50 percent of Ukrainians won’t vote for Poroshenko under any circumstances [in upcoming 2019 elections], according to the poll,” the newspaper reported. “That gives Poroshenko the highest ‘anti-ranking’ of any candidate.”
A few days and one border incident involving three seized ships later and Poroshenko was to be seen fanning the flames of conflict with Russia while calling on the United States to honor its pledge to defend Ukraine if war breaks out. Though there is not one single argument to be made for hostile U.S. engagement in the region, the usual interventionist voices are recklessly encouraging the politically embattled Ukrainian leader. MORE…
The Yemen War Death Toll Is Five Times Higher Than We Think
One reason Saudi Arabia and its allies are able to avoid a public outcry over their intervention in the war in Yemen, is that the number of people killed in the fighting has been vastly understated. The figure is regularly reported as 10,000 dead in three-and-a-half years, a mysteriously low figure given the ferocity of the conflict.
Now a count by a non-partisan group has produced a study demonstrating 56,000 people have been killed in Yemen since early 2016. The number is increasing by more than 2,000 per month as fighting intensifies around the Red Sea port of Hodeidah. It does not include those dying of malnutrition, or diseases such as cholera. MORE…
Trapped in a Poison Fog
They don’t realize that the lying faces of the insincere announcers and the false invective of cynical editors and writers are all financed by the same manipulators who cause all these colossal wars and produce all these overpriced poisons because there are no better ways to make astronomically large amounts of money.
As a result, humanity is suffocating, not from lack of oxygen, but from lack of objective truth. Humanity is being suffocated by the Jews, who wish all non Jews to be semiconscious slaves purposed only do the insane pathological bidding of this one conscienceless group that essentially hates life, hates the fate it has chosen for itself, and is intent on making everyone else feel as bad about life as they do. MORE…
Revolt of the goyim
The following message contains a coded cipher which, if forwarded to a sufficient number of e-mail addresses — say one billion — will become an irresistible thought bomb that will sweep the world clean of this Rothschild banking sewer society in which predators harvest human lives with deliberately clumsy lies the brainwashed masses docilely accept.
The phony media stories ring hollow now. The government’s version of the 9/11 story has such a smell to it that nobody believes it. Yet it lingers on in the rancid voices of plastic anchormen and the bought-off Congressmen who pretend to hunt imaginary Arab terrorists that were created by CIA-Mossad strategists who work for Jewish bankers. MORE…
Arab World Largely a Cesspool of Ruthless Despotism
Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman’s (MBS) ordered abduction and murder of Jamal Khashoggi was a drop in an ocean of brutal Arab world internal and cross-border high crimes.
State-sponsored murder, torture, intolerance of dissent, and countless other human rights abuses are commonplace in Saudi Arabia, other Gulf states, Egypt, Jordan, and elsewhere in the Arab world – its ruling authorities among the world’s must ruthless regimes. MORE…
UK and U.S. Engaging in the ‘Slow and Cruel Assassination’ of Julian Assange, His Mother Claims
On Saturday, Christine Ann Hawkins, the mother of Julian Assange, accused Britain and the U.S. of slowly assassinating her son, who was granted asylum by Ecuador and is currently being held in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. She reported that Ecuador’s new president has imposed new rules on Assange’s confinement which amount to torture.
“For the past six years, the U.K. government has refused [my son’s] requests for access to basic health needs: fresh air, exercise, sunshine for Vitamin D, access to proper medical and dental care,” Hawkins said in an “emergency appeal” video Saturday. “As a result, his health has seriously deteriorated and his examining doctors warn his detention conditions are life-threatening”. “A slow and cruel assassination is taking place before our very eyes in an embassy in London,” the mother charged. She made clear she also holds the United States responsible. MORE…
Anti-Trump Revolutionists: Democrat Party + Indivisible + MoveOn + Antifa + Communist Party USA
What Maddow failed to mention are the ties between Indivisible and the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Ditto for the rest of her Fake News media comrades, who strain to find a no-name “right-wing extremist,” “fascist,” or “white nationalist” they can connect (no matter how ridiculously and tenuously) to President Trump or some other Republican/conservative, but blindly ignore numerous straightforward ties of hardcore communists to leading Democrats.
Yes, we’re talking about that same criminal gang of hardline CPUSA Reds that slavishly toed the Kremlin line and was subsidized and controlled by Moscow throughout the Cold War. Yes, that same criminal CPUSA gang that gave us traitors such as Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and the Rosenbergs and their atom bomb spy ring. Yes, the same CPUSA that stalwartly supported and defended the mass-murdering regimes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, et al. MORE…
Trump Is Right: Birthright Citizenship Must End
“The notion that simply being born within the geographical limits of the United States automatically confers U.S. citizenship is an absurdity — historically, constitutionally, philosophically and practically,” former Trump official Michael Anton argued in the Washington Post.
Constitutional scholar Edward Erler, Anton wrote, “has shown that the entire case for birthright citizenship is based on a deliberate misreading of the 14th Amendment. The purpose of that amendment was to resolve the question of citizenship for newly freed slaves.” MORE…
Australia: Prime Minister Scott Morrison Mulling Plan To Strip Jihadis Of Citizenship & Expel Them From The Country
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is debating the idea, which would see potential terror threats, with heritage from a foreign country, stripped of their Australian citizenship.
“As far as I’m concerned, if you’ve put your hand up to say you uphold the rights and responsibility of Australian citizenship, but the next minute you want to talk jihad all day, it’s a breach of contract and you need to go,” MORE…
Warning for humanity: The madness is spreading by design as the masses are deliberately poisoned
The mass poisoning of humanity isn’t an accident: It’s a coordinated, engineered assault on the human mind, carried out by globalist corporations and swept under the reg by “captive” government regulators that have long since sold out humanity. The purpose of the mass poisoning is to weaken the human mind and spirit, crushing any outbursts of consciousness, awakening, innovation or revolutionary ideas that might challenge the status quo.
All humans must be chemically restrained and prevented from breaking free of their chemical prisons, the globalists believe. This is the only way to prevent humanity from rising up and overthrowing the globalist cabal that depends on mass indoctrination and subservience for its own continued existence. MORE…
The Marxist Plan for a One-Party State is on Track
“We are facing a communist revolution in America,” says analyst Trevor Loudon, as a real “blue wave” enabled the national Democratic Party to pick up as many as 40 House seats, hold the Senate Republicans to 52 seats or so, and is now threatening to put conservative states such as Florida, Texas, Georgia and others permanently into the Democratic Party column. He argues that this “Rainbow Conspiracy” strategy, unless countered by conservative organizing and education, provides the eventual basis for a socialist one-party state. How can millennials and suburban women be convinced to oppose socialist and communist schemes? Who will the Democrats run for president in 2020? MORE…
From the moment our senses first register the presence of our parents we are being shown the way that life apparently is. Through no fault of ours or theirs, our parents begin the programming process as their views of life, shaped by their education, employment and the media are imposed on us.
The vast majority of the world’s population are merely sheep happily following the herd. Whatever is broadcast in the media as being desirable to the masses suddenly and miraculously becomes desired by the masses. MORE…
China’s AI Tech Exports Are Seeding Surveillance Societies Globally
Is There A Mechanism For Spreading Hate?
Over the years many individuals have acted as “forecasters” of political times, but none has proven to be more on target than David Icke, who has been a “voice in the wilderness” for more than twenty years. David’s prognostications, if you can call them that, seemingly have “proven” the Hegelian Dialectic or what David terms “Problem>>Reaction>>Solution” actually exists!
David’s earlier works turned off most rational-thinking folks until he began to make realistic sense as the times ‘ripened’ into what he forecasted as a planned agenda of creating a problem for which those who created it wanted to gin up a mainstream reaction that would put in place the very solution those who created the issue had in mind from the very beginning, thus “Problem>>Reaction>>Solution,” which rational-thinking people no longer could ignore. MORE…
The Culture War
Every time we name the Jew, every time we write an article, make a radio broadcast, or create any piece of content that exposes the true nature of the Jew, we are committing an act of war against the system. The truth is more dangerous to these parasites than any bullet, bomb, or weapon out there. The reason for this is that through writing, through presenting ideas and concepts to people who have not been exposed to these concepts before, we are freeing people’s minds. We are slicing off the Semitic tentacles that have wrapped themselves firmly around the brains of our kinsmen.
The Jew’s control of the modern world is entirely dependent upon the consent of the masses. If you stop watching their movies, if you stop tuning into their programs, if you stop listening to their lies, they lose all control. The reverse is also true. When we create websites, write articles, compose songs, publish books, and manifest our own media, we gain control. The greatest weapon we will ever have in this ancient war is our own minds. It was through propaganda that the Jews orchestrated WW2, that they orchestrated the destruction of Europe and the rape of her people. It is through propaganda that we will break their chains. MORE…
GOP Patsy Arrested For Democrat-Staged Fake Bombs
Authorities have made an arrest in Florida regarding the string of mail bombs targeting Democrats that have been discovered over the last few days. The suspect has been identified as Cesar Sayoc, a man with an extensive record, including a bomb threat and a bankruptcy filing, who registered Republican in 2016. Early reports showed a van plastered with pro-Trump political stickers and slogans being towed away by authorities. I guarantee you however, that this was a setup hatched by Democrats to shore up their flagging support as we head to the elections now less than two weeks away.
The entire operation is just too obvious. Twelve bombs were sent to some of the most prominent Democrats in the news today, timed to arrive within days of one another, at the height of election season where the story would dominate the news cycle. The sender made little effort to hide the suspicious nature of the packages. In fact, they screamed, “examine me, I’m suspicious.” They were also made to appear crude and stupid. Many words were misspelled, but how does such a person then manage to coordinate the timing so well that multiple packages would show up within days of each other in New York, Florida, and California? MORE…
The War on White Australia: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique, Part 1 of 5
Results from the 2011 Australian Census reveal that, for the first time in that nation’s history, the majority of migrants are now arriving from Asia instead of Europe. Indians and Chinese have become the fastest growing sections of the Australian population. Between 2006 and 2011 the number of Australian permanent residents born in India increased by 100 per cent, those born in China increased by 54 per cent, while those born in the Philippines by 42 per cent. These startling figures do not even include those born in Australia to Indian or Chinese parents.
The Census also revealed that other non-White immigrant groups are also expanding rapidly, including various African groups. All of this is dismal news for White Australians and, indeed, for White people everywhere. Unfortunately, these figures only mirror what is happening throughout the West, where White people are under demographic and cultural siege from race-replacing levels of Third World immigration and the official embrace of “multiculturalism.” MORE…
How People Become Easily Controlled By Tyrants
A sociopathic narcissist is motivated by personal desire only. They are incapable of empathy for others and see people as a kind of food and fuel source rather than fellow travelers in life. They consider their lack of conscience as an evolutionary advantage; a tool that helps them to survive and thrive by trampling, stealing, manipulating and killing if necessary without guilt or regret.
You would think these creatures would be easy to pick out in a crowd, but it is not always so simple. They have the ability to mimic behaviors of those around them in order to appear more human. Sometimes this does give them away because they can’t help but parrot or steal behaviors and mannerisms from people they meet to the point of obviousness. For those inexperienced with narcissistic sociopaths, though, the tactic works for a time, because what people think they see is someone just like them; a reflection. Imagine it as a survival mechanism, like a chameleon. MORE…
Europe’s Crisis of Survival
“[I]f you look through history, where the Church slept, got diverted away from the Gospel, Islam took the advantage and came in. This is what we are seeing in Europe, that the Church is sleeping, and Islam is creeping in… Europe is being Islamized, and it will affect Africa.”
“…uncontrolled immigration was not the only reason for the decline of Europe. But taken together with the continent’s other misfortunes, it led to a profound crisis; a miracle might be needed to extract Europe from these predicaments.” MORE…
53 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks
(1) Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the “Mukden Incident” or the “Manchurian Incident”. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: “Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the ‘Incident’ was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army ….” And see this.
(2) A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. MORE…
What Multiculturalism Hides
In short, mass waves of migrants represent statistically significantly greater risks than opportunities. They do not serve to boost prosperity. Our insurance systems, which were founded by, and developed for, the nation states whose populations they were meant to serve, were simply never designed to cover them.
The proponents of the new multiculturalism want to share their welfare states with masses of refugees who — through no fault of their own — will be unable to participate in financing themselves for a long time to come. MORE…
Leaked Documents Prove Soros Working with UN Supporting Illegal Migrant Crisis
Back in 2016 Breitbart obtained a leaked document from the Soros Open Society Foundation revealing close links to UN migration representative and former Goldman Sachs executive Peter Sutherland.
On the United Nations website, Sutherland is described as a “strong advocate for promoting practical action to increase the benefits of migration” and has routinely made comments against national borders and national sovereignty in Europe. MORE…
Germany Rises as ‘Eurostan’ Looms Closer
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been the main force behind the ongoing destruction of the Europe of our ancestors, the Europe of traditional values firmly rooted in its Christian ethos.
Under Angela Merkel’s auspices, Germany has heard its death knell. It has seen its great cities with their shimmering spires, and its peaceful towns and villages nestling in the green countryside, invaded by well over a million uninvited guests from lawless lands who have turned their nation into a multicultural zoo. German women are being raped and sexually assaulted literally every day of the year by migrants. And still Frau Merkel sits there smiling complacently amid the ruins of her country, making no attempt to turn back the tides of mounting terror. MORE…
Natural vs Judaized Civilizations – Religion & Economy in Antiquity
New scholarship has realized that Proto-Germanic words for money and gold are of Semitic origin. This means that our pagan ancestors were already at those early times visited by Semitic traders who presented them with money and a strange economic system which awakened a new kind of unknown greed.
Comparative mythologists like the great Georges Dumezil realized that Norse mythology often preserved Indo-Germanic mythology more faithfully than other cultures (more than Greece, Rome, India or the Celts) and I believe this is because the Germanic peoples were the direct successors of Indo-Germanic civilization, and in comparison with Vedic India, Persia, Rome or Greece, they neither mixed, nor did they travel far away from their homeland. MORE…
Claim: Germany’s Angela Merkel To Step Down From Party Leadership After Humiliating Elections
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is to relinquish control of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in December, sources have claimed, after yet another humiliating performance in a regional election Sunday.
Speaking at a press conference in Berlin Monday afternoon, German Chancellor Angela Merkel made official the rumours that had been swilling over the course of the morning by announcing she would not be seeking another term as leader of the CDU party, but that she intended to remain leader of Germany until 2021 — a shrewd move that some observers have noted would preclude a coup against her in the next three years. MORE…
The Communist Cancer Epidemic
Much like any other parasitic disease, communism has directly been the cause of the murders of likely over two hundred million innocent men, women, and children worldwide to date since its conception.
Although Karl Marx has been greatly heralded for over a century as the communist visionary whom invented communism with his Communist Manifesto that he published in 1848, he was not the first to envisage the theory of communism. MORE…
Sanctuary Cities – for Whom?
I’m sure Mother Teresa had more than I do, but even hers was not unlimited. Wisely, she spent hers for the poor. But many people are not wise. They spend their sympathy on illegal immigrants and criminals, leaving none for law-abiding citizens. Take, for instance, the cases of Sarah McKinley and Kathryn Steinle.
Kathryn Steinle’s last words were, “Dad, help me, help me.” But her dad could not help her. It was up to us to help her by keeping the streets as safe as possible. We did not. We used up all our sympathy on those who do not deserve it, leaving none for those who do deserve it. We made a “sanctuary city” that was safe for José Inés García Zárate, but extremely unsafe for his victim, Kathryn Steinle. MORE…
P.T. Barnum Had Nothing On The Democrats’ Freak Show
The Democrats’ initial plan to quash the Kavanaugh nomination was to grill him so relentlessly and to examine his judicial decisions so microscopically that personal and professional flaws would be found to disqualify him for the job. It turned out, to their everlasting anguish, that he passed all the tests with flying colors and the only remaining procedure was a vote in the Senate which promised to be narrow but successful.
Obviously, Sen. Feinstein or a member of her staff leaked the confidential letter to a member of the always-accommodating leftist media…and the race was on for all the Progressives to express their terminal outrage and demand—DEMAND!—to question the judge about this 36-year-old accusation. MORE…
Is Germany Colluding With Islamic Terrorists?
Why have so many Taliban gone to Germany? One answer might lie in the covert relationship between the Taliban and German intelligence. It was Germany who had pioneered diplomatic talks with the Taliban, and who had welcomed Taliban leaders onto German soil.
It was certainly curious how German authorities had received every possible warning about a Taliban truck bomb whose sole impact was protecting thousands of Taliban in Germany from deportation, while giving German authorities the excuse to shut down the deportations they hadn’t wanted to carry out. MORE…
Sweden: The Left Party’s Ties to Terror Groups
Anyone who believes that anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel are exclusive to the extreme right would do well to observe the campaign for the September 9 elections in Sweden, in which politicians belonging to the Marxist-Leninist organization the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) are running for office on the increasingly popular socialist-feminist Left Party ticket.
The most prominent of these candidates is Said Hadrous, number 7 on the Left Party list. Hadrous, who grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, is a member of the DFLP Central Committee and chairs the Palestinian lobby organization, Group 194, which is closely linked to the DFLP. MORE…
Germany: Anti-Immigration Party Surges in Popularity
The murder of a German citizen by two failed asylum seekers in Chemnitz, and the attempted cover-up by German police, has contributed to a surge in support for the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD), which, according to a new poll, has overtaken the Social Democratic Party (SDP) to become the second-strongest political force in Germany.
Support for the AfD has increased to 17%, while backing for the SPD has fallen to 16%. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU)/Christian Social Union (CSU) alliance is at 28.5%, according to an Insa Institute poll published by the newspaper Bild on September 3. MORE…
Muslim Migration and Rape Statistics in Europe
Sweden has one of Europe’s highest rates of sexual assaults. At 120.79 violent sexual assaults per 100,000 people, and 56 rapes per 100,000, the otherwise bleak socialist country ranks as having the second highest rate of sexual violence in Europe.
What makes Sweden so exceptionally dangerous for women? Its militant feminism is embedded in its political culture and its educational system. Sweden has boasted of a “feminist foreign policy”, 61% of Swedes in one survey identified as feminists and hold the strongest views on “gender equality” of any Europeans. MORE…
Dalai Lama Tells Migrants ‘Europe Belongs to The Europeans’
The spiritual leader’s comments likely struck a chord with locals, as Sweden has experienced an explosion in violent migrant gang-related incidents, many of which involved military-grade explosive devices, since 2014 when over 100,000 asylum seekers from predominantly Muslim countries settled in the area.
The Dalai Lama also made similar comments concerning refugees in Germany in 2016, saying that “Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country.” MORE…
Resettling Refugees: An International Agenda
The refugee resettlement program is popular with many policymakers. It enjoys bipartisan support in Congress and statehouses because it supplies low-wage, low skill labor that many big businesses crave while enabling supporters to embrace “diversity” and thus avoid the Left’s favorite attacks and mischaracterizations: “bigot,” “racist,” “xenophobe,” “Islamophobe,” etc. This faux-moralizing on the Left stifles a necessary conversation our nation sorely needs. Meanwhile, the Left’s true motive is to import ever more people from third-world nations that are likely to become reliable Democrat voters once they achieve citizenship.
Under the Trump presidency, the United States’ refugee resettlement has been temporarily reduced, but by no means curtailed. A change in administration could resuscitate it overnight. There are many objectionable aspects of this program, not the least of which is finding resources to fund this enormous undertaking. MORE…
McCain: A War Criminal, Not a Hero
McCain was the “antithesis of a merit-based military (officer, a) rock bottom of his class…Annapolis graduate,” an “incompeten(t)” pilot allowed to fly anyway because his father and grandfather were 4-star navy admirals.
He was wicked, lawless, uncaring, and dismissive of the enormous harm he caused countless others as a combat pilot and ruthless politician – an unindicted war criminal, an imperial spear carrier throughout his public life. MORE…
How the Department of Homeland Security Created a Deceptive Tale of Russia Hacking US Voter Sites
The DHS campaign to establish its role as the protector of U.S. electoral institutions is not the only case in which that agency has used a devious means to sow fear of Russian cyberattacks. In December 2016, DHS and the FBI published a long list of IP addresses as indicators of possible Russian cyberattacks. But most of the addresses on the list had no connection with Russian intelligence, as former U.S. government cyber-warfare officer Rob Lee found on close examination.
When someone at the Burlington, Vt., Electric Company spotted one of those IP addresses on one of its computers, the company reported it to DHS. But instead of quietly investigating the address to verify that it was indeed an indicator of Russian intrusion, DHS immediately informed The Washington Post. The result was a sensational story that Russian hackers had penetrated the U.S. power grid. In fact, the IP address in question was merely Yahoo’s email server, as Rob Lee told me, and the computer had not even been connected to the power grid. The threat to the power grid was a tall tale created by a DHS official, which the Post had to embarrassingly retract. MORE…
Once again we see the utter destruction of the liberal media’s narrative about “Russia, Russia, Russia” with news that it was not the Russians that hacked Hillary’s email server. Turns out it was the Chinese.
The media has been giddy over claims that the Russians hacked into the Democrats’ computer systems to steal info to hurt the liberals in the 2016 election. The left has also claimed that the same Russians hackers may have attacked Hillary Clinton’s illicit private email server she used for email communications when she was Obama’s Secretary of State. MORE…
Is John Brennan a traitor who willfully allowed 9/11 terrorists to enter the United States?
It’s also no secret to people who have taken the time to research Brennan that in the 1970s, as the Cold War with Russia was in full swing, Brennan actually voted for an American Communist Party candidate for president– something that should have negated his ever becoming a staffer back in 1980, much less head of the country’s most powerful spy agency.
But there’s more. According to Freedom Outpost, Brennan was the CIA station chief in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, when the 9/11 hijackers were given visas to travel to the United States. There are even reports he gave the final approval for those visas. MORE…
Migrant in Germany Commits 542 Crimes, Angela Merkel Refuses To Deport Him
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking for Merkel as Germans’ patience is apparently gradually wearing thin. Most recently, the murder of a German man, which was allegedly committed by two asylum seekers of Syrian and Iraqi origin, has sparked a wave of violent protests in the German eastern city of Chemnitz.
The riots, in which right-wing radicals and leftists clashed with each other and with police, left 20 people injured. Later, an arrest warrant for one of the suspects was leaked to some right-wing groups, prompting suspicions that some of the local police officers are sympathetic to the far-right. MORE…
Nobody Does Mass Shootings Like Governments Armed With Gun Control
Without hesitation or delay, advocates of gun control (which is another way of saying “the consolidation of dangerous weapons in the hands of the most dangerous organization in all of human history: Government”) leap into action and are out in force making the case for disarming the population so that the State can finally enjoy what they see as a good, proper, and necessary State monopoly on the use of force and violence through guns.
Which leads us to democide, a term defined as “murder by government”. More specifically, “the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.” MORE…
How German Women Suffered Largest Mass Rape in History by Soviets
Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’.
Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said. MORE…
Muslim Migrants Are ‘Threat’ to European Civilization – Czech PM
“We don’t want to live [in our home] like people live in Africa or the Middle East. We must stop [immigration from Muslim states]. If Frenchmen, the Dutch or Belgians want to obtain [more Daesh* supporters] than they have today, it’s up to them. ”
In late July, the Czech prime minister stressed the necessity to counter illegal migration “at all costs.” Referring to the European Commission’s proposal to encourage member states to accept migrants, he noted that the commission was wrong in it assessment of the current state of affairs in the bloc. He asserted that migrants should be provided help in their own countries. MORE…
The US military is all over the African continent, and still expanding
Around 200,000 US troops are stationed in 177 countries throughout the world. Those forces utilize several hundred military installations. Africa is no exemption. On August 2, Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier took command of US Army Africa, promising to “hit the ground running.”
The US is not waging any wars in Africa but it has a significant presence on the continent. Navy SEALs, Green Berets, and other special ops are currently conducting nearly 100 missions across 20 African countries at any given time, waging secret, limited-scale operations. According to the magazine Vice, US troops are now conducting 3,500 exercises and military engagements throughout Africa per year, an average of 10 per day – an astounding 1,900% increase since the command rolled out 10 years ago. Many activities described as “advise and assist” are actually indistinguishable from combat by any basic definition. MORE…
‘The city is orphaned’: 120,000 mourners bid farewell to assassinated Donbass leader in Donetsk
Zakharchenko had headed the DPR since November 2014, when a crisis broke out in Ukraine following a coup d’etat that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Donetsk province, along with neighboring Lugansk, engaged in open conflict with Kiev as they refused to accept the new government following the 2014 coup, establishing self-proclaimed republics. Zakharchenko had previously survived several assassination attempts.
Moscow condemned the murder of 42-year-old Zakharchenko, adding that it could be detrimental to the whole peace process in Ukraine. “It is a blatant provocation aimed at undermining the implementation of the Minsk Agreement in eastern Ukraine,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday. MORE…
Peace is a Good Thing, Whoever Manages to Achieve It
Yet it seems clear that forces in what has been called the “Deep State” or the “Permanent Government” of the US appear hell-bent on preserving that state of hair-trigger edginess between the US and Russia, no doubt because it keeps the financial taps wide open for the arms industry, the Pentagon, the intelligence agencies, and the politicians of both parties who feed on the campaign funds (bribes) offered by the industries that stand to benefit from cold war and myriad small hot ones.
Meanwhile, we have the Democratic Party Establishment now demanding, in another effort to sabotage US-Russian detente, that Trump insist at any summit session, on a promise from Putin to “cease interfering” in US elections and politics. This demand would clearly be laughed at by Putin, who knows that the US played a key role, spending as Secretary Clinton once stated, well over $1 billion in underwriting the subversion of Ukraine’s elected government and backing, if not helping to orchestrate, the coup that overthrew it in 2013. MORE…
The Soros list sheds light on the question of what makes the EU leadership implement policies, which run counter to the interests of Europeans. The answer is corruption. The politicians bribed by Soros dance to his tune. They fight against the attempts of national leaders to protect the interests of their peoples. Quite often those who oppose such policies have to face the resistance of political elites of their own countries. The standoff between Hungarian PM Orbán and the Soros network is a good example to illustrate how it works. The European Parliament under the influence of Soros friends is pushing Europe to suicide by letting millions of migrants in.
It shows that the much-vaunted European democracy is a façade to hide the activities of power structure close to feudal system with local lord holding the reins. It can hardly be called the power of people. The publication of Soros list provides a clue to understanding who rules the EU and who instigates anti-Russia sentiments in Europe. Actually, this is the case when EU member countries like Hungary happen to be in the same boat with Russia opposing the very same US-based forces, while protecting their sovereignty and independence. This is the time for Europeans to think about transforming the system to do away with outside pressure. MORE…
The Devil’s Pitchfork
We at Liberty Bell sometimes feel ourselves to be an isolated, beleaguered garrison, stranded in these mist-shrouded mountains wherein lies our embattled bastion of truth. Nevertheless, we continue to sally forth in defense of truth, knowing that we are emplaced along the Highroad of Destiny, upon which White America must advance – or sink in the bogs of jewish values.
Although our mountains are covered with mist, our vision is clear and we can see the Zionist enemy advancing in a three-pronged offensive, which they are pressing with utmost energy to affect their annihilation of truth before the White Majority awakens to its true value and to the purpose of the enemy: the destruction of Our Race. MORE…
America Bombs, Europe Gets the Refugees. That’s Evil.
The US Government (with France and a few other US allies) bombs Libya, Syria, etc.; and the US regime refuses to accept any of the resulting refugees — the burdens from which are now breaking the EU, and the EU is sinking in economic competition against America’s international corporations. America’s corporations remain blithely unscathed by not only the refugees that are breaking up the EU, but also by the EU’s economic sanctions against Russia, Iran, and other allies of governments that the US regime is trying to overthrow in its constant invasions and coups.
The US Government makes proclamations such as “Assad must go!” — but by what right is the US Government involved, at all, in determining whom the leaders in Syria will be? Syria never invaded the US In fact, Syria never invaded anywhere (except, maybe, Israel, in order to respond against Israel’s invasions). Furthermore, all polling, even by Western pollsters, shows that Bashar al-Assad would easily win any free and fair election in Syria. The US Government claims to support democracy, but it does the exact opposite whenever they want to get rid of a Government that is determined to protect that nation’s sovereignty over its own national territory, instead of to yield it to the US regime, or to any other foreigners. The US regime has virtually destroyed the United Nations. MORE…
The Entire Western World Lives In Cognitive Dissonance
A spokesperson for the European Union said that Washington’s withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council “risks undermining the role of the US as a champion and supporter of democracy on the world stage.” Can anyone image a more idiotic statement? Washington is known as a supporter of dictatorships that adhere to Washington’s will. Washington is known as a destroyer of every Latin American democracy that elected a president who represented the people of the country and not the New York banks, US commercial interests, and US foreign policy.
Name one place where Washington has been a supporter of democracy. Just to speak of the most recent years, the Obama regime overthrew the democratically elected government of Honduras and imposed its puppet. The Obama regime overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine and imposed a neo-Nazi regime. Washington overthrew the governments in Argentina and Brazil, is trying to overthrow the government in Venezuela, and has Bolivia in its crosshairs along with Russia and Iran. MORE…
U.S. Political Meddling: What Really Happens to Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ecuador
Stories about corruption and internally government-generated violence concerning most unaligned countries abound in the MSM. These lies fuel hatred. And the public at large start a malicious rumor circuit. Which, in turn is taken over by the MSM, so that their lies are pushing in open doors. The war drums start beating. The populace wants foreign imposed order, they want blood and ‘regime change’. The consensus for war has once more worked. And the blood may flow.
Instigated by outside forces, such as the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and USAID, which train and fund nationals clandestinely in-and outside the country where eventually they have to operate. They are commandeered by Washington and other western powers and act so as to blame the “non-obedient” governments, whose regime must be changed. They constitute part of the Fifth Column. MORE…
Censorship is the New Front in the War on Consciousness
When a group of people gets together and conspires to deliberately restrict access to points-of-view, opinions, ideas, personalities and information, then those people are engaged in a struggle to control other’s perception of the world. Their aim is to control awareness of the diversity of possibilities in how the world is perceived. To shut down imagination.
This struggle is representative of the Archonic forces at play in our world. Meaning that at its root, the struggle is a spiritual one. It revolves entirely around your individual courage to think beyond the corral, to transcend the thought diktat, and to fearlessly continue to explore ideas and truths which resonate with you and help you to make sense of the world. This is about the struggle to maintain personal sovereignty of mind and spirit, because it is precisely this inner freedom and fearlessness that makes one impossible to control. MORE…
U.S. Political Meddling: What Really Happens to Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ecuador
Stories about corruption and internally government-generated violence concerning most unaligned countries abound in the MSM. These lies fuel hatred. And the public at large start a malicious rumor circuit. Which, in turn is taken over by the MSM, so that their lies are pushing in open doors. The war drums start beating. The populace wants foreign imposed order, they want blood and ‘regime change’. The consensus for war has once more worked. And the blood may flow.
Instigated by outside forces, such as the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and USAID, which train and fund nationals clandestinely in-and outside the country where eventually they have to operate. They are commandeered by Washington and other western powers and act so as to blame the “non-obedient” governments, whose regime must be changed. They constitute part of the Fifth Column. MORE…
The kosher slaughter of the American mind
Freud told us we all wanted to sleep with our mothers and generations paid millions to be drugged on couches by Jewish psychosadists who toyed with their patients. Marx wrote a book about money that failed to mention the Rothschilds, yet generations of college students embraced Marxism without ever realizing that its chief product was non Jewish dead people and the utter ruthlessness of its demagogic leaders.
mimicking the psychology profession (which the Jews invented), Einstein created obtuse equations that could never be validated and which bore no relation to an electrically charged universe. Universities around the world pay millions for eggheads to spout his cosmological gibberish. All these Jewish concatenations are aimed at confusing and controlling people by getting them to believe things that are not true, which keeps them confused and controllable. MORE…
Ordered to be silent
You are no longer allowed to tell a story that is not approved by the Jews, especially if it involves holy Holocaust defamation. Like a spreading stain of darkness slowly asphyxiating the minds of everyone on Earth, the monstrous judicial invention that “truth is no defense” has unleashed the worst possible future upon our lemming-like human species.
People are being snatched off the streets for daring to analyze their country’s provably criminal history. A woman lampooning a well-known ethnic group is ordered to stay off the Internet for a year. And anyone who dares speak critically about Jews in public, after first having their character assassinated by a huffy Jewish spokesperson, is likely to be arrested by a very real thought police. MORE…
European Terrorism: The ‘Batman Syndrome’
“How can we respect a society that is too cowardly to fight those who threaten its citizens, and that demonstrates its weakness by systematically seeking appeasement at the price of the most unreasonable accommodations? It is the ‘Batman syndrome’: the hero refuses to kill, he systematically saves his enemy who escapes and kills new victims until the hero catches up with him, and so on.”
“The result is the present age of serial Punic conflict, perhaps intolerable to the psyche, but in amoral terms tolerable as long as casualties are kept to a minimum and defeat is redefined as acceptable strategic wisdom. In the past, such periods of enervating war have gone on for a century and more. Ultimately, they too end — and with consequences.”
In the end, there might be still a region called “Europe”, but it may no longer enfold European culture. MORE…
Europe: “The Vision is an Islamic State”
Given young Europeans’ lack of a religious identity and the vacuum left by the departure of Christianity from the lives of the majority, one has to wonder how sturdy their ability will be to withstand such attempts at proselytizing.
Europe will still exist but, as with the great Christian Byzantine Empire that is now Turkey, will it still embody Judeo-Christian civilization?; MORE…
Germany: ‘Decapitating’ Freedom of the Press?
If it was indeed the authorities’ plan to censor the news and keep the information of the beheading under wraps, then it backfired. Due to the reports about the raid, thousands of people have seen the video, and hundreds of thousands have heard about the botched censorship attempt.
Hamburg’s government is still trying to conceal the beheading. Among other things, they [the AfD party] wanted to know whether the child had been beheaded. The administration — in breach of its constitutional duty — refused to answer. It also censored the questions by blacking out whole sentences. MORE…
Carolyn reveals how the Illuminati worship lucifer and are setting the stage for the antichrist to take control of “the new world order”. Carolyn discusses mind control, child abuse, satanic rituals and reveals how the illuminati really feel about Jesus Christ.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 MORE…
Mass Immigration as a Form of Warfare
We are supposed to think about mass immigration in terms of “love” and “progressive values”, but it has always been about conquering land.
White House Report Says Arrested Alien Criminals Committed 76,000 Drug and 48,000 Assault Offenses
A White House fact sheet released on July 5 stated that criminal aliens arrested by ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in fiscal year 2017 were responsible for more than 76,000 dangerous drug offenses and more than 48,000 assault offenses.
Additionally, illegal criminal aliens arrested by ICE/ERO were responsible for more than 11,000 weapons offenses, 5,000 sexual assault offenses, 2,000 kidnapping offenses, and 1,800 homicide offenses. MORE…
EU Globalists and Chinese Communists Team Up To Protect NWO
Jyrki Katainen (shown, left), the vice-president of the EU’s ruling and unelected European Commission, said during an interview aired on CNBC Monday morning, “I feel really we are making progress…. Both China and the EU believes in multilateralism and a rules-based world order.”
While ostensibly opposed to one another during the Cold War — with the United States leading the free world and the then-Soviet Union ruling the enslaved communist world behind the Iron Curtain — leaders in the highest echelons of both societies (from politics, business, media, labor, Wall Street, and tax-exempt foundations) shared the common goal of “converging,” or merging, both societies under a single unified global economy and international regime often referred to by its architects as the “New World Order.” MORE…
‘Why Isn’t Communism as Hated as Nazism?’
When people describe particularly evil individuals or regimes, why is it that they use the terms “Nazi” or “fascist,” but almost never “communist?” Given the unparalleled amount of human suffering communists have caused, why is “communist” so much less a term of revulsion than “Nazi?”
Communists killed 70 million people in China, more than 20 million people in the Soviet Union (not including about 5 million Ukrainians), and almost one out of every three Cambodians. And communists enslaved entire nations in Russia, Vietnam, China, Eastern Europe, North Korea, Cuba and much of Central Asia. They ruined the lives of well over a billion people. So, why doesn’t communism have the same terrible reputation as Nazism? disclaimer: In total disagreement of video about so-called holocaust. MORE…
Obama Created Over 1 Million Jobs… By Founding New Industry Of Professional Protesting
Those of us, who have followed politics for many years, however, know that to today’s US protesters, this is their job. Unlike past street demonstrators of the 1960s and 1970s, who’d gathered to protest the Vietnam War and the US government based solely on their strong beliefs, today’s public displays of violence and civil unrest are totally carried out by well-organized businesses that have thousands of members and hire people as professional protesters.
Since Organizing For Action is the literal corporate headquarters from which all other splinter protest groups like BLM and ANTIFA are a part, we see that literally over a million people are employed in the protest industry. Since Barack Obama founded OFA, along with financing from George Soros, we know who is the president of the company and where it gets its money. MORE…
Jewish Nation-state Law: Why Israel Was Never a Democracy
Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy? 70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.
The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point. MORE…
How Israel Armed the Drug Cartels
Aside from anecdotal accounts, though, I haven’t seen any hard evidence showing that Israel encourages the proliferation of drugs among the Palestinians. However, there is ample evidence that Israel has aided, trained and armed criminal drugs cartels around the world. In large part, this was a component of Israel’s role as a proxy of US imperialism in Latin America during the 1980s.
Israel continues in this proxy role today, with its arming of the Azov Battalion in Ukraine, one of the country’s most well-equipped neo-Nazi militias. MORE…
The Dissolution and Decay of Europe
If we continue to allow the judeo-masonic conspirators to get away with their plans, there will be no more “West” as there will be no more White people to bring the light of our culture.
Critique of Cultural Marxism
In the 1920’s and 1930’s a group of Jewish Marxist Intellectuals met in Frankfurt Germany and formed the Institute of Social Research. This later was known as the Frankfurt School. These intellectuals were; Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Jürgen Habermas, Karl August Wittfogel, and Friedrick Pollock. They, of course, were all Jewish. They together created the social theory called Critical Theory.
Today we are at a tipping point. If we continue down this path, it will only lead to the death of the white race, which is the intent of the Jews with their Cultural Marxism and social libertarianism. Therefore we must combat these lies with facts. MORE…
Budapest, Hungary – Lawmakers in Hungary introduced “Stop Soros” legislation in February to “empower the interior minister to ban non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that support migration and pose a national security risk.” As a result, George Soros’ Hungary-based Central European University, will relocate to Vienna, according to a report by Reuters.
The move against Soros-affiliated organizations by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is due largely due to his foundation’s stance on mass immigration, as well as deep connections to numerous color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and many other political uprisings across the globe. Although “democracy promotion” is the stated mission, in reality, the many Soros-linked organizations largely operate in service of forwarding the Western globalist agenda. MORE…
California Making It Illegal to be a Christian Under Proposed Unconstitutional Bill- Solzhenitsyn Warning to the US
What’s most disturbing is the fact that California is taking an exact chapter out of the book from the early communists on how to eradicate Christianity and Christians through deportatioon to the Gulag. Today, we call these places, FEMA CAMPS, and they are awaiting your arrival. California, a known trend setter, is making this message crystal clear.
To Christians in California it is time to make a stand. The time for dissent and civil disobedience is now. To everyone else across the country, if you think that this is going to stop in California, think again. MORE…
Yes, we ARE “America the divided,” but you can thank Democrats — the American Communist Party — for that
The American Left is no different than the Marxist Left in any other country on the planet, in the past or present day: Their goal is to create divisions and then exploit them to their advantage. It’s how they can get “converts” to their cause. They create straw men, create boogeymen, then demonize individuals who oppose them or their political beliefs as well as their cultural values and mores.
Here are just a few of the most recent examples that I’ve found in the past few weeks that prove my point that Democrats, not supporters of President Donald J. Trump, are the real reason why Americans remain hopelessly divided and barreling down the path to another civil war: MORE…
Belgium: First Islamic State in Europe?
The ISLAM Party knows that demography is on its side. Ahrouch has said, “in 12 years, Brussels will principally be composed of Muslims”. In the upcoming Belgian elections, the ISLAM Party is now set to run candidates in 28 municipalities. On first glance, that looks like a derisory proportion compared to 589 Belgian municipalities, but it demonstrates the progress and ambitions of this new party. In Brussels, the party will be represented on 14 lists out of a possible 19.
That is most likely why the Socialist Party now fears the rise of the ISLAM Party. In 2012, the party succeeded, when running in just three Brussels districts, in obtaining an elected representative in two of them (Molenbeek and Anderlecht), and failing only narrowly in Brussels-City. MORE…
What it means to be ‘pro-Israel’
The main obstacle in dealing with most of my fellow Americans is how absent of moral compass they have become. Their actions have shrunk to the size of their intellects. They genuflect toward goodness, but overlook the blood constantly spilled in their names. To them, honesty has become a naive anachronism; profitable ways to circumvent the law are now admired.
How lost people are, how absolutely certain of their own ignorance, how they lie to themselves. As long as their addictions and compulsions are sated, they are stunningly willing to fight to the death for ideas they do not thoroughly comprehend. MORE…
Rational Thinking Replaced by Progressive Emoting
I have often wondered how the youth of the world hold in synch same beliefs, education, and outlook about the future of the planet. How can people from such diverse cultures, history, languages, and backgrounds share identical ideas and thoughts? How did they all decide to join the same movement such as #resist? Why are Americans resisting abundance and freedom? Why are they craving communist government oppression?
What are they resisting? Who is funding them? Who is indoctrinating them? Who is paying for their blind allegiance, a cult-like international loyalty and movement not necessarily based on logical thought? It seems that the left does not think but emotes. MORE…
Chinese government exerts influence across Australian society, MPs told
The Chinese government uses a sophisticated network of supposedly non-political organisations to suppress criticism, cultivate relationships and exert influence over Australia’s business, academic and political worlds.
MPs investigating foreign interference have been handed evidence with unprecedented detail of the complex network of soft power used by extensions of the Chinese Communist party in boardrooms and on university campuses across Australia. MORE…
Belgium: First Islamic State in Europe?
The French acronym of Belgium’s ISLAM Party stands for “Integrity, Solidarity, Liberty, Authenticity, Morality”. The leaders of the ISLAM Party apparently want to turn Belgium into an Islamic State. They call it “Islamist democracy” and have set a target date: 2030.
According to the French magazine Causeur, “the program is confusingly simple: replace all the civil and penal codes with sharia law. Period”. Created on the eve of the 2012 municipal ballot, the ISLAM Party immediately received impressive results. Its numbers are alarming. MORE…
Raw Communism
Another important reason for Marx’s failure to publish was his candid depiction of the communist society in the essay “Private Property and Communism.” In addition to its being philosophic and not economic, he portrayed a horrifying but allegedly necessary stage of society immediately after the necessary violent world revolution of the proletariat, and before ultimate communism is to be finally achieved. Marx’s postrevolutionary society, that of “unthinking” or “raw” communism, was not such as to spur the revolutionary energies of the Marxian faithful.
Most remarkably, Marx admittedly agreed with Proudhon’s, and particularly Stein’s, portrayal of the first stage of the postrevolutionary society, which he agreed with Stein to call “raw communism.” Stein forecast that raw communism would be an attempt to enforce egalitarianism by wildly and ferociously expropriating and destroying property, confiscating it, and coercively communizing women as well as material wealth. Indeed, Marx’s evaluation of raw communism, the stage of the dictatorship of the proletariat, was even more negative than Stein’s: MORE…
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: March 2018
March 1. The Spreewald Elementary School in Berlin’s Schöneberg district hired security guards to protect teachers and students from unruly students. Around 99% of the pupils at the school have a migration background. “Within the past year, the violence has increased so much that we now had to take this measure,” said headmaster Doris Unzeit.
March 2. A 41-year-old Syrian, Abu Marwan, stabbed to death his 37-year-old wife in Mühlacker. The couple’s three children, a girl and two boys, witnessed the murder. It later emerged that immediately after the killing, the blood-stained man posted a video on Facebook warning women not to irritate their husbands: “This is how you’ll end.” MORE…
Sweden’s War on Free Speech
According to the Swedish mainstream media, the country has experienced a significant rise in prosecutions for “hate speech” on social media last year. The organization believed to be largely responsible for this rise is “Näthatsgranskaren” (“The Web Hate Investigator”), a private organization founded in January 2017 by a former police officer, Tomas Åberg, who has taken it upon himself to identify and report to the authorities Swedish individuals whom he and his organization decide are committing thought crimes and “inciting hatred” against foreigners.
During interrogations, he reportedly said that he has no intention of hurting anyone and that his post was merely about self-defense. The police questioned him about whether he has anything against Muslims: “I have nothing against Muslims…,” he said. “That is not what this is about. It is about Islam and the Koran that does not have the same values as us… It says in the Koran that all infidels must be killed…” He asked the police to deal with imams who preach hatred in the mosques instead. MORE…
European Immigration: Nuns Out, Terrorists In
The behaviour of government departments in charge of immigration and asylum across Europe repeatedly demonstrate the truth of the late Robert Conquest’s maxim — his “third law of politics” — that the simplest way to explain the behaviour of any bureaucratic organisation “is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies”.
Last week it was reported in the Catholic Herald that a nun who was driven out of the town of Qaraqosh, on the Nineveh plains in Iraq, has been forbidden to visit her ill sister in the United Kingdom. Sister Ban Madleen was among those Christians who were forced to flee the largest Christian town in the area when ISIS entered it in 2014. MORE…
Mass Murder: The Communist Way
As of today, Communism as a political goal and system is predicted to have killed over 94 million men, women and children. If we include deaths under National Socialism, this rises to 105 million civilians. Mao’s “People’s Revolution” is predicted to have caused the deaths of 65 million people alone. These are only estimates based on available evidence. With a continent as large as Asia, and countries as spread out as the Communist bloc, the numbers can never truly be gauged. It is an undeniable fact that socialist states, striving for Communism, caused these deaths, yet we still see a large proportion of our society advocating for Socialism and even full blown Communism.
US Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, seems to gain ground by the day, the Economic Freedom Fighters continue to fight economic freedom, students disregard individual liberty and embrace the hammer and sickle. But why? Why embrace an ideology that has proven time and time again that it only leads to oppression and death? The answer is simply: ignorance. Many are unfortunately ignorant that the ideologies of Marx all logically lead to mass murder. MORE…
Stalin, Communists, and Fatal Statistics
“One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic,” said Joseph Stalin (1879-1953). It is estimated that between 20 to 40 million people, mostly Russians, were killed by Stalin during his dictatorship (1924-1953). Stalin, the Soviet dictator, not only exterminated purported “enemies of the peoples” but also liquidated almost the entire slate of communist Bolshevik leaders, who had been his and Lenin’s friends during the Russian Revolution of 1917. The Great Leader, Joseph Stalin, in fact, killed in peacetime more communists of all nationalities, than all his fascist, Nazi, and Western democratic enemies combined.
This is not a comprehensive list; others have done that already. This report is only an interesting sampling of vignettes of “communists devouring communists” during the twenty-nine year performance of the macabre Soviet symphony conducted by the director Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili, better known as “the man of steel,” Stalin. MORE…
Europeans Are Waking Up! | How Even Ordinary People Are Beginning to Take Action Against Immigration
“Jews Are Guilty Unless Proven Innocent” Napoléon I
Not fully understanding the nature of the disease he was trying to diagnose, Napoleon had first been rather sympathetic to the Jews whom he saw as ‘normal’ French citizens who simply followed a different religion. Indeed, Napoleon and post-monarchy France had done all they could to welcome the 40 000 Jews who had been parasitizing the country into the Brotherhood of Mankind under the French flag.
But unlike any other people/religious groups who had been granted citizenship with full and equal civil rights, the emancipation of the Jews gave rise to even more problems which the French Revolutionaries did not foresee. And how could they? MORE…
The jewish Plans for 2018: Immigrant Invasion, Miscegenation, and White Genocide
In 2018, contrary to the flaccid posturing of the “alt-right” and the willful obfuscations of the two-faced jews (often one and the same), the White race is facing a desperate uphill battle for survival. We must not be complacent or be lured into a false sense of victory, or inordinately revel in small successes, though comforting it may be. In every traditionally White homeland, the jews have burrowed deeply into positions of power and are ready, willing, and able advance their genocidal anti-White agenda.
Our homelands are being overrun to the point of complete saturation by the worst, most primitive species of mankind. Formerly safe, prosperous White homelands have been brought to the point of ruination by intentional jewish lies about racial equality, while fomenting their brown biological weapons to satiate their basest appetites at the expense of the White race. MORE…
10 Examples Proving The US Gov’t is an Expert at Turning Countries into ‘Shitholes’
The mainstream media’s outrage over reports that President Trump referred to Haiti and El Salvador as “Shithole countries,” has gone above and beyond any outrage attributed to the fact that the United States has let its Central Intelligence Agency have free reign over the governments it overthrows and the countries the U.S. invades.
As a result, the countries that have received more than their share of “freedom” from the U.S. have turned into the very definition of “shithole” countries, and have spent years attempting to recover. Here are the top 10: MORE…
Sweden Has Handed Over Its Cultural Heritage to An Uneducated Foreigner
Henrik looks at Qaisar Mahmood, a Pakistani sociologist, who almost accidentally was positioned as the head of the Swedish National Heritage Board. He has entered onto a personal crusade to deconstruct Swedishness, identity and our cultural heritage, just because he himself, as an outsider and foreigner, feel out of place in Nordic society. MORE…
Rep. Nancy Pelosi falls apart on air after CNN’s Chris Cuomo confronts her about the memo
Well, I have to admit, although I am not much of a Chris Cuomo fan I have to say he absolutely killed it during Monday night’s broadcast when he confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on the memo.
In fact, much props to Cuomo for his effort. His persistence may have even bumped CNN’s tarnished reputation back up one notch — or not. MORE…
FBI Expresses ‘Grave Concerns’ About Release of the Memo on Alleged FBI Abuse
Having stonewalled Congress’ demands for information for nearly a year, it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies.
The FBI is intimately familiar with ‘material omissions’ with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts, and they are welcome to make public, to the greatest extent possible, all the information they have on these abuses. MORE…
Sweden’s Highway to Hell
The lugenpresse at the Times of London were forced by necessity to report on actual news-on-the-ground in the migrant-swamped city of Malmo, Sweden. Thanks for finally playing. Sweden has been “experiencing an unprecedented surge of gang shootings, bombings and sexual assaults,” the Times admitted. “People use machine guns and hand grenades — they want to kill,” said Zoran Markovic, the former chief of community policing in Rosengård. Anti-tank weapons were found in a basement.
There was poor news coverage even within Sweden, which is hardly a surprise. Real news media would have investigative journalists on this; but this, too, seems lacking. Coverage that does exist, such as the following headline from a TIME magazine article, uses politicized gaslighting against the code words “Alt-Right” and “conspiracy theory” instead of real investigative reporting. MORE…
Russiagate Has Blown Up In The Face Of Its Originators—the FBI, DOJ, and Hillary
It is exactly as I told you. Russiagate is a conspiracy between the FBI, the DOJ, and the Hillary campaign to overturn Donald Trump’s election. We have treason committed at the highest levels of the FBI and Department of Justice and the Democratic National Committee.
If you believed one word of Russiagate, you now must laugh or cry at your incredible gullibility. This scandal should also bring down the presstitute media who have done the dirty work for the conspiracy against Trump. MORE…
National Socialist Racial Thought
Whereas formerly, and more especially under the powerful influence of Marxist teachings, the development and decline of States and civilisations was attributed to economic or purely political causes, we see to-day the determining role played by the human being in sustaining and shaping economy, the State, culture, politics, art and intellectual thought.
We have come to feel that the protection and preservation of the people who, after all, are originally responsible for the achievements of the State and culture, is the chief factor in retaining these achievements; for good blood and the strength that comes from good blood is given a people only once and if allowed to degenerate cannot be regenerated as one would rebuild a city or restore devastated lands. MORE…
African Gangs: the Plague Upon Melbourne, Australia
Australia is suffering from the same type of Saul Alinskyite neo-Marxist infestation as Sweden. Fifth columnists infiltrated the judiciary, media, police and government. This is NOT organic, and it has manifested itself in the form of rampaging mobs dominated by black African youth. Presented below is a sampling of videos illustrating this issue.
Keep in mind that unlike in Europe, African migrants didn’t just arrive on floating rafts. There is some 5,500 miles (8,800 km) between the eastern most part of the African continent and the western most part of Australia, and it’s at least a 10-hour flight. So the question begs: How did they get there? Who brought them into Australia? MORE…
Ukrainian Dual Historiographies – Part VIII to Part 1
Where we left off, it is still just a few weeks since the Bolshevik Revolution of Ocrtober/November 1917. The Russian Empire has splintered into fragments over the past year or so, rocked by military disasters and two revolutions, with each region of the former Empire trying to cope with the fallout.
The Ukrainian moderate bourgeoisie, in alliance with social-democrats, has attempted to set up a new government for the Ukrainian autonomy, based on the Parliament or Rada. A competing government consists of a Congress of soviets of workers and soldiers deputies, based in Kharkov. On December 25, 1917 (all dates old style), a this congress declared itself to be the official government of Ukraine, and that Ukraine was henceforth a Soviet Socialist Republic. MORE…
Massive Immigration is Genocide
European politicians support this development and talk us into believing it is our moral duty to turn our homelands into ideal immigration countries; because of “human rights” and “our historical responsibility”. In Germany it is about the “Holocaust”, in France and England about “colonialism”, and in the USA about slavery, etc. But have you killed Jews or traded slaves? Have you been a colonial master? And what about Norway for example, which became independent not before the beginning of the 20th century and had been a poor country then?
What is the true reason for mass immigration? International high finance and their henchmen, the politicians, want to replace the European cultural nations by a racially mixed “population” without identity in order to establish a perfect exploitation system: the “New World Order”. MORE…
Antifa And Neo-Nazis In Ukraine
And this brings it to the issue of neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Why do anarchists care so much about the (extremely small) neo-Nazi, white supremacist movement in the U.S. (which has zero chance of becoming mainstream in the U.S.) but they did not take issue with the Obama administration’s support of the (sizable) neo-Nazis in Ukraine who played a role in overthrowing its democratically elected leader? I’m certain it was not because anarchists supported Obama, so why were they (and continue to be) silent about this topic?
Anarchists claim that the nation state is a construct, and that borders are meaningless, so why do they give their attention to the fringe white supremacist movement in the U.S. while sitting back as real neo-Nazis take positions of power in Ukraine? Are they not concerned about what the white nationalist Right Sector, Azov Battalion or the Svoboda Party are doing in Ukraine, in part with U.S. taxpayer money? MORE…
Sweden’s Radicalized Leftist Kosher Media Monopolizes ‘Truth’ About Migration
Multiculturalism oppresses individualism. In a nutshell, that is the simple yet astute view of Nima Gholam Pour, a conservative writer and brave member of the board of education in the small Swedish southern city of Malmö.
A massive influx of migrants has overwhelmed Malmö. An estimated 20 percent of its 300,000 population is Muslim. This city, once considered a “nice, beautiful, safe” place, is now considered by police to be one of the no-go zones of the region. MORE…
Zionist Wars for a Greater Israel
Most timid Americans would avoid any serious discussion on the true causes of a continuous failed foreign policy that only benefits Israel while costing our own country any chance of real national security and a prosperous society. The mere mention of the term Jew is usually enough for being banded to the back of the room and shunned as one of those haters. Unfortunately, President Trump has succumbed to this fallacious political correctness.
In order to correctly understand the framework of the detrimental circumstances that propagate the decline of the American Empire, the clear-headed observer must confront why the United States remains a vassal to the Zionist myth that Israel is a valuable ally to our country. MORE…
The Zionist New World Order is “Communism”: Also Known As Rothschildism Or More Bluntly Robbery!
Communism is a monopoly over everything, including thought, enforced by the “State.” The “State” is a front for the Illuminati Jewish central bankers who own its debt. Anything that increases “State” power is Communist.
World government will take this to the next level. “Is not war already a revolutionary function? War? The Commune (1870). Since that time every war was a giant step towards Communism.” MORE…
Catholic Church vs Freemason’s NWO 1903-1914
In the Eighteenth Century two groups ranked foremost amongst the enemies of Catholicism: The Masons, and the so-called “free-thinking philosophers.” The Masons were bonded together in their wicked conclaves by a covetousness of the Church’s supreme authority in the world and a determination to destroy her.
So too with the “free-thinkers” — men like Rousseau, Voltaire, Frederick the Great, and others, whose degenerate doctrines had been condemned by the infallible Guardian of Truth — who likewise shared a consuming hatred of the Catholic Faith. MORE…
Russia Reopens Criminal Case Into The Murder Of Tsar Nicholas II And His Family As Part Of A ‘Zionist Ritual Murder’
The Romanovs were taken to the basement of Ipatiev House where they were lined up against a wall. Then they were shot by a communist firing squad. The family members who survived the first attack (some bullets ricocheted off jewelry hidden in the clothes) were finished off with bayonets. Then the bodies were taken out of the city and thrown into a mine. However, to limit the chances of their remains being found, the soldiers threw them into an unmarked grave and doused them in acid.
Originally, the Soviet authorities only reported the death of Nicolas II. For some time the official position was that the rest of the family was evacuated from Yekaterinburg and got lost in the chaos of the Russian civil war. It was not until the early 1920s when the details of the execution were exposed, after those involved spoke out. MORE…
The Talmudic Communist Takeover of New Zealand
Communism is used to destroy Nations, and Capitalism is used to grow & harvest them. The Rothschild banks make record profits either way. The pendulum is swung from left to right, and everyone gets gang raped. Its is the $nake eating its own tail. Divide and rule.
Behind all communist and capitalist movements (or revolutions if you will) are the Freemason foot soldiers, most of the higher up ones are serial kiddie fiddlers (that is how you get promoted) and almost all of them are to thick to figure out that Masonary is just Judaism & Talmudic Law, which is astrology and specifically, Jewish Kaballah. They are traitorous low life kiddie fiddler scum. The Talmudists seek out and only promote the very thickest Goy pedophiles to be their foot soldiers. MORE…
Liberalism is Communism – How the Militant Communists Took Over New Zealand
It is essentially a holocaust playing out before our very eyes now – a war on the ‘natives’ of this land – both Maori and European – the same across the entire West that they are at war with – and rest assured they are all making money out of the process – selling off the ‘gold teeth’ of their victims if you will.
These militant communists are poisoning your food with dangerous / toxic chemicals and additives, polluting all of your food and drinks with toxic plastics designed to lower the fertility rates and cause cancers, poisoning your water supply with sodium fluoride, spraying the air with poisonous chemicals, importing the meth and getting it to market via the gangs and police, turning your daughters into crack whores then aborting their unwanted babies, kidnapping your children via the family courts, making you homeless via their banking system and free trade agreements, making you poorer with their money printing and counterfeiting, and turning your children into dumbed down mind control iphone slaves via their Hollywood bullshit and ‘liberal’ programming. MORE…
Parasites Among Us : The Biological Reality of the Jew
We shall go over the very Nature of Parasites in order to understand the Nature of the Jew and his Minions better. Most of you who have read my articles should have an understanding of the metaphysical truth – the basis behind the old age meaning of “as above, so below” – whatever is true on one metaphysical level can be applied unto the higher or lower one. Whatever is true about parasites in their lower organic form, is true for the higher organic form. The difficult task is to mentally educate oneself to truly understand this concept and to finally accept it as being true – one has to come to the realization that the Jew indeed is a Parasite in the Humanoid Organic form. This is his Natural purpose. Once this settles in, one can begin to understand why the Jews have invented all the various ideologies, religions, monetary systems, political systems, etc. – which serve their purpose and agenda of remaining a hidden parasite among any and all other host nations. The Parasite wishes to remain on the Host and wishes for the Host not to remove him.
We all naturally avoid getting bitten by ticks and we try real hard to protect ourselves from them. One doesn’t go around naked in areas where there are many of them during a particular part of the year – doing so would be suicide – especially with the level of toxicity ticks have nowadays; some theories go as far as to say that the Jews themselves have turned ticks into deadly parasites whose bites can cause serious body damage because White people love the forest and Nature. Alas, the point is that once you know about the danger of modern-day ticks, you won’t go naked into areas that are infested with them. Imagine now that ticks could speak, that they could mentally manipulate you, just as the Jews do. Remember, the Jews told us in their “holy book”, the Zohar, that they are going to conquer the world through their “mouth”, which means, in other words, through propaganda and mental manipulation. MORE…
Stalin’s Secret Genocide: The Holodomor Mass Murder
It was Stalin who personally signed the official orders to seize all the grain in Ukraine and starve 7-10 million people to death. The actual details of the genocide were left to Stalin’s closest friend and associate, the Jew Lazar Kaganovitch, often erroneously claimed to be Stalin’s brother-in-law. For graphic details of the 1932-1933 mass murder in Ukraine, see the 7-minute video at the end of this article.
Even now, in an age when we are regularly assailed by images of horror and suffering, the details of the Holodmor are heartbreaking. Starving children, mass graves, vigilantes, even cannibalism: the famine saw human nature stripped to the bone. MORE…
American Gulag
You don’t hear anybody talking seriously about peace anymore. Back in the 1960s all the lefties talked about was peace. Now all the lefties talk about is killing the president. Something really bad has happened to them between then and now. Now, there is no one on the political left who dares to defend the disappearing rights of the ordinary citizen against that ubiquitous foreign power that controls every aspect of our existence.
More people are beginning to notice that America has crossed the line into insanity. U.S. leaders openly murder foreign leaders of much higher moral character than themselves and blithely bomb women and children as a favor to the oil companies. Trust and truth have gone extinct as the fibers that hold civilization together begin to fray and unravel, sure signs of our imminent demise.
By now deprived of its own volition by the Jews who own it, the USA is now the darkest force for evil in the world, obliterating all opposition (including its own citizens) as it attempts to rearrange the assembly of nations into a plantation it controls utterly and ruthlessly. MORE…